Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

217 Save Black Widow And Hawkeye! (1 More)

Qin Xiao At the moment is having dinner with Logan, Yuriko, Abomination, and Cursed Warrior.

Nick Fu Rui took the staring fruit, and Qin Xiao was full of confidence in him.

This old silver coin knows what other people think, so it's okay.

Can't this kill others?

Moreover, the powerful Acute eyes and perspective of the fruit are powerful auxiliary abilities.

Nick Fury originally didn't need a strong combat power.

What he needs is just - foresight.

But the staring fruit can fully meet his needs.

Standing at S.H.I.E.L.D can monitor more than half of M country.

With his temperament like a magic stick, why can't he fool others?

The clairvoyance can let him know more secrets in advance.

This is a supplement to the ground reaction that Acute eyes can't find.

And the ability to spy on the mind can let him know more secrets that he shouldn't know.

These secrets will be an important capital for Nick Fury's layout.

With his Ability, once he knows that Pierce is messing up, he can destroy HYDRA within minutes.

So Qin Xiao felt that after Nick Fury got the staring fruit, things should have been settled.

HYDRA should not be able to escape the end of being destroyed.

But why did I receive a distress call from Nick Fury just after I came back to have a meal with my group of people.

Is there something wrong with this matter?

His At the moment is really a year of ignorance.


"Natasha Romanoff and Barton need help, they were attacked in New Jersey."

When Qin Xiao heard the place name, he immediately thought of where it was.

Isn't that where Captain Rogers was trained?

Did Natasha Romanoff go there with Barton this time?

But you should already know that S.H.I.E.L.D is not safe, why don't they let them be attacked?

Qing Xiao couldn't figure it out at all.

However, this seems to make things more interesting.

In fact, only one insight plan can actually affect very limited.

If it was the original Marvel Movie Universe, this insight project would have been able to kill a lot of people.

But now the world is more dangerous than before.

Especially with the emergence of Mutant, the effect of insight plan will be greatly reduced.

This thing made Magneto anxious, and he dismantled him in minutes.

But even with Magneto's Ability, there will still be a lot of casualties before it is dismantled.

In this wave, maybe millions of Mutants will be killed in the end.

In a sense, this temporarily resolves the conflict between mutants and humans.

Likewise, more ordinary people will be wiped out.

The extermination of millions of people that Hitwell talks about will definitely not stop.

This time, tens of millions or even hundreds of millions may be wiped out directly.

But with Nick Fury's Ability, he should be able to stop the other party's plan...... right?

Looking at it now, why does Nick Fury feel vulnerable?

I can't figure it out, it seems that I'm going to have a look.

"Okay ok, I get it, just help you save Natasha Romanoff and Barton.

Do you want me to help you clean up HYDRA in S.H.I.E.L.D as well. "

Qin Xiao offered to help this time.

It was just three Helicarriers, and the abomination smashed them in minutes.

After hearing Qin Xiao's words, Nick Furui's expression changed.

"Sure enough, you already know about HYDRA."

"Yeah, I told you a long time ago that S.H.I.E.L.D would break down.

And I told you a long time ago that if you want to see through people's hearts, you can use the fruit of staring.

It's just that you don't believe me all the time, who do you think should be blamed for this kind of thing?"

Nick Furui heard Qin Xiao's gloating look in Qin Xiao's voice.

But he has no reason to blame the other party.

The other party has already said long ago that S.H.I.E.L.D will eventually collapse.

Even then he was offered the choice of devil fruit.

In S.H.I.E.L.D, Nick Fury is the second person to receive information about a Devil Fruit.

The first one is naturally Black widow Natasha Romanoff.

Natasha Romanoff chose to try the devil fruit, but Nick Fury has always refused.

Even many others in S.H.I.E.L.D have become Fruit Ability, and Nick Fury refuses.

Even Pierce, his immediate boss, has become a Fruit Ability.

Even this time, if it wasn't because Pierce was suspected by him, he wouldn't even become a Fruit Ability user.

Nick Fury began to think back, if he had eaten the star fruit in the first place.

So long, long ago, he was able to discover the situation of S.H.I.E.L.D.

At that time, he had enough time to gradually deploy and kill all HYDRA of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Even an old fox like Pierce probably wouldn't know what kind of Ability Nick Fury used to do such a thing.

But now the situation is exactly the opposite.

Pierce obtained the memory fruit first, and he used the power of the memory fruit to infiltrate S.H.I.E.L.D quickly and seamlessly,

Turning the most important and pivotal people in the various agencies of S.H.I.E.L.D into HYDRA people.

Even with the ability of the fruit of memory, the launch time of the insight plan was directly advanced.

This time it was him Nick Fury was caught off guard.

"I get what you're saying [the ten times I'm going to clean up all the effects.

As for helping, your devil fruit has already helped a lot.

0...asking for flowers...

The Avengers have begun to gather, and HYDRA's plan cannot be realized. "

Nick Fury made his choice.

"Okay, I'm going to watch the show.

After Qin Xiao finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly.

Several people who had been listening to Qin Xiao's phone calls all looked at him at the moment.

"It seems that something interesting happened again."

Abomination is the most exciting.

"Okay, let's go to New Jersey to save two people first, and then go to Huashi Shield to watch a good show."

After Qin Xiao finished speaking, he opened a portal.

Opposite the portal is the completely destroyed barracks.

"Yo, it looks like something big has happened here."

Hate the excitement on his face.

This kind of big battle shows that things are very good.

At that time, it will be more interesting.

"Look quickly, Black widow Natasha Romanoff and Hawkeye Barton are here, take a good look where they are.

Qin Xiao quickly arranged tasks for everyone.

He didn't care at first.

But looking at the situation here, he knew that something was wrong.

The ruins here are beyond his imagination.

In this situation where the ground has been plowed down several meters, he would believe that Natasha Romanoff and Barton were dead.

However, judging from the system feedback, these two people should not be dead yet.

Logan wrinkled his nose, trying hard to distinguish the smell inside.

But the smell of gunpowder directly covered up all the flavors.

The smoke of gunpowder does not dissipate, and he cannot use his super senses to do things.

"I can't help it."

Logan shrugged.

At this moment, Hate touched the ground lightly with both hands.

The slight vibration directly spread from his hand in all directions.

"Hahaha, I found it."

After the hatred finished speaking, he rushed towards one direction.

"Ba da~"

"Ba da~"

With three or two strokes, he directly opened a collapsed ruin.

Below, a huge grid holds up the rubble of the ruins.

Below the grid, the two figures looked rejoicing.

"I didn't expect that it would be you who came to save us."

Natasha Romanoff looked at the horrible face in disgust, and felt all right for the first time.

Save Natasha Romanoff and Barton from the rubble.

"You two, how do you feel about yourself? Do you need to go to the hospital?"

Qin Xiao could tell that the situation of the two of them was not very good.

"No, there are more important things to do than go to the hospital, we're going to S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters.

Barton's tone was firm.

"Okay, then go to Hua Shendun to have a look."

Qin Xiao directly opened a portal at the original place. .

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