Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

227 Stars Die! Phoenix Force? Galactus? God Group? Thanos? (3 More)

"Help! Run away!"

Two unexpected words came out of Tony's mouth.

"Are you sure this is the translated cosmic signal?"

Qin Xiao had an expression of "Are you fooling me~?"

"I hope it's wrong, but it's not just me, the Dr. Li, Dr. Banner, and even Charles' translation all come to the same conclusion."

Tony gave an affirmative answer.

"That's right, the interstellar signal gave these two inexplicable but terrifying messages.

Dr. Banner At the moment also came over.

His hair looks whiter.

It seems to have suffered greater psychological pressure.

Hulk, on the other hand, doesn't know where he went.

"In fact, we didn't read this message at first.

It was Dr. Reed who first calculated it in order to study his own Ability.

Afterwards, we passed various verifications and found that the final result was the same.

Now there is a big question, what happened in the universe.

Is this message sent at a fixed point, or sent across the universe.

If it was sent at a fixed point, did we inadvertently intercept this message?

If not, then is this a cosmic announcement?

Another point is that the information flow of this information can directly affect the solar storm.

So what happened to its source?

What level does that civilization need to achieve?

It is only the information flow that can cause drastic changes in the solar storm!

No matter which problem, it is enough to make us feel the crisis.

Even feel horrible. "

Tony and them obviously communicated enough.

Just then, Charles and Jean Grey also walked over.

"The strength of the four of them is similar to that of Mutant, but they do not have the X gene.

So they are not born Mutant.

I don't know if their power and your demon's power are some imagination. "

Charles gave his answer.

Qin Xiao shook his head.

"They can't match the power of the devil, in fact, they can match the devil fruit even now."

The others immediately understood Qin Xiao's words when they heard the words.

These few people are actually very special.

They have abilities that match Devil Fruits.

However, they haven't eaten the devil fruit yet.

Their variation is indeed from the strange power in the universe.

"We seem to have fallen into a dead end in this matter, and we still have too little understanding of the universe."

Tony felt helpless.

He is smart, but he doesn't know much more about the universe than everyone else.

After all, this is limited by the technological level of the earth.

"Maybe I need to ask Thor about this."

Qin Xiao thought of who to look for in a blink of an eye.

"Thor Thor? We thought about it too, but unfortunately we couldn't get in touch with him."

"I'll go find him."

Qin Xiao took over the task.

In fact, he was also full of doubts in his heart.


An arcane door opens directly to the end of Bifrost.

Qin Xiao walked through the portal and saw a scene that shocked him.

Odin, Frigga, Thor, they are standing at the end of Bifrost at the moment.

Everyone looked dignified.

Thor turned his head and glanced at Qin Xiao.

"You're finally here, and I was going to wait until Heimdall read the results to tell you.

Obviously, Thor is ready to go to Qin Xiao and the others.

"what is going on?"

"Recently, it seems that one of the most powerful forces in the universe has awakened.

And the awakening of this power seems to require energy very much.

In the universe, countless planets have disappeared from my sight.

However, I can't see what the other party is.

There are many life forms and civilizations in the universe that sent distress and warning messages to the universe before being wiped out.

Heimdall's eyes were constantly shining with stars.

Others don't see any difference.

But in Heimdall's eyes, one star after another is dying.

That is the fear of death.

"Help? Run away?"

Qin Xiao said these two words subconsciously.

"That's right, that's the news, we Asgard have also received this news.

Nothing like this is found in our records of Asgard.

So, lately Heimdall has been looking at the limits of what he can see.

If one day, this force enters the Nine Realms [then it is time for us to dispatch. "

Odin held the Gun of Eternity with a serious look on his face.

The power that can continuously destroy the stars originally represents strength.

It's hard for them Asgard to do such a thing.

Hearing Odin's words, Qin Xiao also fell into deep thought.

He originally thought that sterilization might be behind this incident.

After all, Thanos, the director of the family planning office, has been working on balancing the population and resources in the universe.

0…ask for flowers……

Under his threat, it is not surprising that more life and civilization send out the signal "Help! Run away!"

So he wanted to come to Asgard to see the results.

But judging from the current situation, this matter was not done by Mie.

Because, Thanos will not let the entire civilization be broken!

What he needs is only half of his life.

He will not let the stars die.

he can't do it!

So, who else is behind this?

Qin Xiao thought about the death of the planet a lot.

Phoenix force across the universe will make the planet die.

And this is a crushing death, almost no one can stop it.

But judging from Qin Gelei's situation, it doesn't seem like the Phoenix force is in full swing.

Another, if it is the recovery of the planet devourer.


Hungry he will constantly devour the stars.

Or the emergence of the Celestial Group, they may also destroy the planet.

There are so many possibilities, Qin Xiao really doesn't know which one they belong to.

"The disappearance of the stars in the unknown is not the main thing, after all, they are still far away from us.

But there is one thing that needs our special attention, Ronan the Accuser seems to be going to war with Xandar.

This battle may affect the safety of the Nine Realms.

The battle of the Cree might affect the final balance.

Although they signed a peace agreement with Xandar Star.

But if Ronan the Accuser alone can defeat Xandar's Nova Corps.

Then the Cree will never give up such an expansion opportunity.

This event is a major event relatively close to our Nine Realms.

Moreover, there seems to be another force behind Ronan.

This faction is the one that provided Loki with the Chitauri Corps. "

Heimdall told the crowd an even more shocking news.

"Ronan the Accuser? Thanos!!"

Qin Xiao asked and blurted out.

"Thanos? Thanos of the Eternals?"

Odin was also taken aback when he heard the name.

"That's right, whether it's Loki or Ronan, behind them is Milu.

Moreover, you should already know his goal. "

Qin Xiao looked at Odin seriously.

Thanos' goal. Others may not be clear, but Odin should be very clear.

"I doubt it, but I'm not sure."

Odin frowned slightly.

"Now, it may be certain, after all, almost all the gems have appeared in."

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