Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

231 Shocking News! The Infinity Gauntlet Was Made For Him! (3 More)

"Soul Gem needs to exchange the soul of the person you love the most?"

Hela was surprised to hear this answer.

Then, she seemed to think of something.

Soul Gem needs the person he loves the most, so why did Odin not exchange himself in the first place?

Because he is not the person he loves the most, throwing himself out has no effect.

Or is Ding reluctant because he is actually his favorite person?

From Hela's point of view, she thinks Odin should be the first type.

After all, this is a god king who has imprisoned himself with divine power for thousands of years.

Such a person has love for himself, which is simply a joke.

Odin glanced at Qin Xiao.

"Sure enough, you know it too."

He didn't blame Qin Xiao for saying this condition.

Anyway, since Thanos is already collecting these things, sooner or later these things will be known to others.

"I do know, but you still haven't answered a question.

The File size of the Infinity Gauntlet was not made for you Asgard protoss.

The origin of Infinity Gauntlet, there are still problems. "

Infinity Gauntlet's File size is not suitable for Asgard's Protoss.

Where did this glove come from, and who was it for?

Qin Xiao was extremely curious about this matter.

If this problem is not resolved, all the previous statements are false.

Even Hela At the moment looked at Odin curiously.

For 190, everything she knows now seems strange.

As the eldest daughter of Odin, he is the first heir to the throne of Asgard.

There are still so many secret messages that she doesn't know.

"In fact, that Infinity Gauntlet was for the Destroyer."

Odin had an answer that none of them expected.

"The Infinity Gauntlet was made for The Destroyer as a template? How is that possible?

The Destroyer is just a Warframe, what power does it have to wield the power of the Infinite Gems?"

Hela put forward different opinions immediately.

She has seen the power of Infinite Gems.

That's why she thought the Infinity Gauntlet was fake.

What is Destroyer?

It's just a suit of armor.

Appears to be an Asgardian from the Vault of Asgard.

In fact, it was able to put Odin on to deal with the god group.

Regardless of winning or losing, this kind of power is indeed the largest that Asgard can reach.

Even at the beginning, Hela was still wondering whether Odin chose to retreat because of the Celestial Group.

But in the Nine Realms, there isn't any group of gods.

A Warframe, equipped with Infinity Gauntlet, this kind of thing is very unreasonable.

However, Qin Xiao At the moment, who was on the side, felt a jump in his heart.

If, what Odin said is true [then there is a possibility that it really exists. (aeah)

He looked at Odin expectantly, and there might be a result about to come out of Odin's mouth.

"Hela, you are right, the Infinity Gauntlet cannot be used by mere Destroyers.

However, as long as the Destroyer is strong enough, anyone in God's Domain can use it.

I can use it, you can use it, and Thor can use it.

Even if you can't reach my level, wearing the Destroyer will greatly increase your strength.

And use the Infinity Gauntlet after wearing the Destroyer.

We all have the opportunity to harness the power of Infinite Gems.

Even a gem can exert huge amounts of effect.

This, is the real reason why I created the Infinity Gauntlet. "

After Odin finished speaking, Hela froze for a moment.

As for Qin Xiao, it was as expected.

Odin, this is leaving a way for the Asgard protoss.

Odin's own strength is very strong, and he has absolutely no problem using the Infinity Gauntlet.

Hela is also very powerful, and she might be able to use Infinite Gems as well.

However, Odin can't guarantee that all the protoss in Asgard will be like this every other day.

He can't guarantee that there will be no weak and weak among his descendants.

So once such descendants appear, why should they guard Asgard?

The Space gem that has always existed in Asgard is a hidden force.

Another, is the Destroyer and the Infinity Gauntlet.

The Destroyer was made after the people of Asgard.

The Infinity Gauntlet was manufactured with the same craftsmanship as the Destroyer.

Even, in order to match the Destroyer, the Infinity Gauntlet has also been adjusted.

All this, to make Infinite Gems available to descendants of Odin.

This is the power Odin left Asgard.

Indeed one day Asgard faces destruction.

Others can wear the Destroyer, wear the Infinity Gauntlet, and socket the Space gem.

With such power, ordinary enemies will be no match.

Moreover, the Destroyer can bear part of the power of Infinite Gems instead of humans.

This allows even some not very strong people to use it.

This is the equivalent of the Infinity Gauntlet, the Destroyer help wearer that resists two layers of gem power.

All this, for Asgard.

It's just that in the movie, it may be because of Frigga's death in the end, or it may be because of the damage of the Destroyer.

Odin directly brought the whole secret into the Soul castle.

But now, Odin has fully revealed the secret to Hela and Thor.

Now, they all know that the Destroyer has an important role to play for the Infinity Gauntlet.

This also explains why Asgard's glove is so big.

Because, this is really not built for a certain person.

It's all about using the Destroyer as a relay for everyone in Asgard to use.

"I didn't expect you to do so much preparation for Asgard."

Qin Xiao sighed.

"Unfortunately, Ragnarök's prophecy has not disappeared yet.

After Odin finished speaking, he glanced at Hela.

Hela is immortal, she and Asgard will be together forever.

Asgard is immortal, her power will skyrocket.

With Hela's ambition, in the end, he still has to embark on the road of conquering the universe.

And to conquer the universe, the final result is Ragnarök.

War brings hatred.

They have been enemies for thousands of years along with the Frost Titans and the Dark Elves.

Even after so long, the two races have not forgotten their revenge.

So, if more powerful races are offended, will Asgard really be able to bear it in the end?

If you can't bear it, then there is only death.

You don't even need Sirte!

Hela shook her head casually when she heard Odin's words.

"These things have been settled, so next, let me meet my old subordinates. 1"

Hela changed the subject decisively.

"Heimdall, take us back."


A colorful force is directly connected here.

In a blink of an eye, several people disappeared without a trace.

End of Asgard Bifrost.

Heimdall looked at the teleported crowd.

He nodded slightly.

"Heimdall, long time no see."

Hela greeted Heimdall warmly.

"Goddess Hela, long time no see."

The guardian sword in Heimdall's hand trembled slightly.

It shows that At the moment his heart is not at peace.

"Turn back and send my troops to the end of the Nine Realms.

I'm going to see how much this universe has changed in the past thousand years.

How much prestige does the name of Asgard have in the entire universe.

If anyone forgets the name, perhaps I will remind them of the fear of being haunted by the goddess of death.

Hela looked confident.

"Yes, I see."

Heimdall agreed immediately.

"Next, find me a place for my army to move around. Do you see any possible battles?"

Hela asked again.

Heimdall glanced at Odin.

"If you want to go, Xandar is a good place."

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