Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

241 The Powerful Goddess Of Death! Ask For Reality Gems! (1 More)

Qin Xiao never imagined that he would see Hela's fleet here.

Because according to Hela, she should go to Xandar to wait for Ronan.

"The opponent we're going to face next is a bit strong, you all pay attention, don't mess with her."

Qin Xiao At the moment specially explained to everyone.

"The opponent is a bit strong? How strong is it?"

Hate the excitement on At the moment's face.

He is not afraid of a strong opponent.

The more powerful, the more interesting.

"She is the sister of Thor Thor, who was beaten like a child in front of him.

Even Thor's Mjolnir can be crushed with one hand.

You decide whether or not you can offend each other. "

Everyone was taken aback when they heard Qin Xiao's words.

Thor's strength is clear to them.

The power of his hammer is well known to all.

Of the strongest men here, none of them could do any harm to Thor's hammer.

Can't even lift it.

On this point, Hulk has the most say.

However, Thor's sister can crush Mjolnir with one hand.

This immediately knocked out everyone's desire to challenge.

I'm afraid, I'm afraid, I can't afford it.

A challenge is a challenge, this is not looking for abuse.

After parking the Kun-style spacecraft, everyone stepped into the alien territory for the first time. 873 Everyone was extremely excited.

When they really went up, they found that there were indeed many differences.

All kinds of aliens occupy their sight.

green, blue, red.....

As long as you can't think of it, there is no skin color that you can't grow.

And the appearance of these aliens is also strange.

But the aliens looked at the people on earth and felt that they were all kinds of strange things.

Yellow Abominations, Green Hulks, Black Cursed Warriors, and Stone-like Golems. …

This degree of mixing even exceeds that of many small teams.

When the aliens saw such a team, no one would not open their eyes and want to try it.

After all, the size of these guys is really amazing.

Qin Xiao led a group of people straight to where Hela was.

At the moment's Hela, at the Collector's house.

Collector At the moment had an unbelievable expression on his face.

The figure in front of him actually appeared in the universe all at once.

The meaning behind this is profound.

"Collector, Tanya Tiwan, long time no see."

Hela wandered around like she was at home.

Collector looked at Hela and gave her a big gift.

"Goddess Hela, your name has not been heard for thousands of years (aeej).

It is a great honor to see you again, and may your reputation resound throughout the universe.

Collector has "sight".

When he saw the goddess of death, he knelt down.

It was just when Sif and the others went to Collector to deliver Reality Gem.

He received the other party with the highest standard.

Now, a person who makes everyone in the universe fearful stands in front of him.

He must maintain a higher standard of reception etiquette.

The goddess of death is also Hela, who galloped the universe back then.

Wherever she passed, countless souls were collected by her into ghosts.

It can be said that the prestige of Asgard was at the beginning.

A large part of it is because of the title of Hela, the goddess of death.

If it is Odin, there may be a chance to intercede and survive.

But facing the goddess of death, there will be no chance of survival.

Not even the soul can be redeemed.

Iron blood, ruthless, killing...

This is the terrifying prestige brought by the goddess of death to this cosmic creature.

It really has the effect of stopping crying in children.

"Very well, this time I'm here, I'm here to retrieve something."

Hela doesn't beat around the bush.

"Not the goddess of death, what do you want to get back?"

Collector Tiwan was taken aback.

“Tai particles, Reality Gem.

After Hela finished speaking, she looked at Collector quietly.

Collector's eyelids twitched when he heard that.

Sure enough, the other party came to get this.

"However, God King Odin handed over Infinite Gems to me just to prevent two Infinite Gems from getting too close.

Goddess Hela is now taking back the Reality Gem, will it conflict with God King Odin's plan?"

Tiwan wants to use Odin to crush the goddess Hela.

Hela smiled slightly upon hearing this.


But then, she directly grabbed Tiwan's neck with one hand.

"Are you teaching me how to do things?"

Her voice gradually became colder.

“No……… Yes……, I……… just…… just ask… just, gems… are… over there… |

Collector Tiwan was once again overwhelmed by the murderous intent of Hela, the goddess of death.

Compared with others, life-saving is more important.

He has lived for endless years, so don't let yourself be fooled by such a trivial matter.

While facing Hela, he doesn't necessarily die.

But if they really fight, their collection room will be completely destroyed.

Hela heard this and gently put down Collector.

Not only that, she also helped Collector tidy up his clothes.

"Very well, I like you who know the time."

After Hela finished speaking, she walked in the direction Collector said with enchanting steps.

Collector is not far behind.

"I don't know what Goddess Hela wants to do with the Reality Gem?"

He followed behind and asked cautiously.

"It's okay to tell you, we, the Asgard God Realm, have observed that in the endless universe, some areas are dying.

Not only that, but Thanos of the Eternals is also collecting Infinite Gems.

I'm going to use Infinite Gems to explore that dead universe.

Also, stop the Eternals from collecting Infinite Gems.

Now, do you understand?"

Collector's heart sank when he heard Hela's words.

If so, his collection of Infinite Gems is just because of his hobby.

Then Thanos, definitely not for the same reason.

Because Thanos' reputation has spread throughout the universe.

His practice of massacring half of the creatures aroused the resistance of all races in the universe.

However, there are very few who can really resist him.

Perhaps except for super empires such as the Cree Empire and the Shia Empire.

Most people can't resist his attack.

Even an empire like Xandar cannot resist it.

Thanos is already so terrifying, if he gets Infinite Gems again, it will become even scarier.

But in a blink of an eye, he thought of something even more terrifying.

Infinite Gems handed over to the goddess of death, this is courting death!

The entire universe may become more dangerous.

This, he does not believe Odin can not understand.

However, Odin actually released the goddess of death.

This can only show one thing, the annihilation of the unknown universe is more terrifying than the goddess of death.

After getting this result, Collector became more and more frightened.

He lived endless ages and knew everything that no one else knew.

He even has some understanding of the ancient god group.

Every regional extinction of the universe is a terrifying mass extinction.

Otherwise, how could those powerful individuals of the ancient god group disappear into the universe.

How could I live in the head of this ancient god?

Could it be that this time is the same thing as the mass extinction of the universe?

Thinking of this, his steps were three points faster.

Things in the universe should be handed over to the Goddess of Death.

"Goddess Hela, this is the Reality Gem.",

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