Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

243 Collector's Hobby! Can You Keep Your Corpse For Me? (3 More)

"You said that Infinite Gems will come here, is that true?"

Hela confirmed to Qin Xiao again.

"It is definitely true, in fact, that you can get not only a gem here, but maybe Ronan the Accuser as well.

That way, you don't even have to go to Xandar. "

Qin Xiao told Hela a more important piece of information.

"Ronan? You mean the accuser Ronan is coming?"

Collector Tiwan was shocked after hearing this.

"It's possible, anyway, it's all caused by your bounty, because Ronan is also looking for gems."

"Oh my God, no, I'm going to temporarily close my collection hall, Ronan is not easy to provoke.

Collector directly wants to avoid Ronan's arrival.

"Is he more difficult to provoke than me?"

Seeing Collector's performance, Hela looked disdainful.

Hearing Hela's words, Collector's heart trembled.


I haven't heard the name of the goddess of death for too long.

So he actually showed such emotions in front of her.

Ronan will "337" be scarier than the goddess of death?

No, absolutely not.

Compared with the Goddess of Death, Ronan is really not worth mentioning.

Your terror, Ronan, has only been heard over the years.

The reputation of Hela, the goddess of death, has been extremely terrifying thousands of years ago.

If it hadn't been for Odin's righteous killing of relatives, no one knows what will happen in this universe now.

"Goddess Hela, I was wrong, how could Ronan compare with you.

Oh, no, Ronan is just a child in front of you.

I'm looking forward to it, he came here to be cleaned up by the goddess. "

Collector quickly changed his face.

Ronan, you're out of luck.

"Really? I believe in you, I'll just wait here for the other party.

I'm staying here with these folks from Midgard, you don't mind?"

Hela looked at Collector seriously.

"No, absolutely not, it's my honor, you, ready to entertain guests.

Collector directly arranges his "collection" to start entertaining guests.

"Qin, are we waiting here too?"

Hill agent At the moment asked Qin Xiao actively.

Qin Xiao thought about it.

"It's right here, anyway, this can be said to be Collector's back garden.

Going to other places will also cause unnecessary trouble.

But here, no one will trouble the Collector without opening their eyes.

Definitely, if any of you want to go out and have a look.

It's not too late to go out after settling here.

Everyone accepted Qin Xiao's suggestion.

Live here temporarily at Collector.

After everyone settled down, the Collector came to find Qin Xiao and the others with a look of excitement.

He looked at Qin Xiao's team with fiery eyes.

"I really want to get to know you well, there are really too many races in your team that I don't know.

This stone body of yours looks a lot like a Krona, and the silicon-based body is awesome.

I've always wanted to collect a Krona, but they are just too powerful.

I want to ask, are you from Krona too?"

The first thing Collector sees is the stone man.

The others who followed Qin Xiao were shocked when they heard this.

There are actually such races in the universe.

This is really beyond their imagination.

But now, they finally understood why the stone man would have become like this.

It turns out that there is indeed a race of stone men in the universe.

Thor: That chatterbox in Ragnarök is a Golem.

Not only that, in fact Thor II. Thor also encountered a stone man when he pacified Naheim.

So stone people are not rare in the universe.

"Unfortunately, I'm from Earth, not the Cron people you're talking about."

After the stone man finished speaking, he activated the power of the stone fruit and directly turned into an ordinary flesh body.

This proved that he was indeed not a Krona.

However, this made Collector even more excited.

This is even rarer than a simple stone man.

"Oh my god, it can still change, if one day you die, can I keep your body?

definitely, i will pay my price, even now i can pay in advance. "

Collector is doing everything for collection.

Even willing to pay in advance.

"Unfortunately, I decline."

Ben directly refused, even he was taken aback by Collector's fiery emotion.

No one wants to be alone or be remembered about the dead body.

It's not okay to give money.

Collector looked regretful.

"Hey, it's a pity, but one day you change your mind, remember to find me."

Collector has transferred the main force to other people.

"Let me see, I seem to have seen your appearance before, are you a cursed warrior of the dark elves?

God, I haven't seen you in thousands of years.

I didn't expect to see you again today. "

Collector once again set his sights on the cursed warrior.

As the longest living existence in the universe, it can be said.

He knew even dark elves.

There are even dark elves in his collection.

However, the cursed warrior of the dark elves, he could not have.

Because, the cursed warrior is really too powerful.

If he collects Cursed Warriors, unless he is ready for his collection to be destroyed.

You know, the Doom Slayer is an existence that even Thor can only be suppressed unilaterally.

"Leave me alone, unless you want me to tear down your place."

The cursed warrior looked unhappy.

He is more and more able to feel that he is being approached by the darkness to 0...

That is to say, he is more and more assimilated.

Maybe when, he will completely return to darkness.

"Yes, I understand, I wish you glory in the darkness."

The Collector saluted the cursed warrior.

No matter what the identity of the other party is, it is worth saluting just to sacrifice for the sake of race.

As for collecting cursed warriors.

He would not have such a plan.

Afterwards, he turned his attention to the Abomination and the Hulk again.

"Green skin, such a strong body, I don't know which race you are?

Zehuberi? Unlike, this race is now best known as Thanos' daughter Gamora.

It is impossible for their race to have such powerful fighters.

Otherwise, their race would not have been slaughtered.

Skrulls? No, you don't have their pointy ears, are you shapeshifting like that?"

Collector also looked at Hulk in surprise.

Green skin, many races in the universe are like this.

But so strong, hardly ever seen.

"Hulk! Leave me alone.

Hulk growled directly at Collector angrily.

Not only that, but two arms grew out of his original hands again.

A two-armed Hulk directly becomes a four-armed Hulk!

That oppressive roar made Collector's heart tremble.

The most important thing is that the sudden two arms shocked Collector even more.

This guy is not easy to mess with.

Two arms are tough enough, four arms are tougher.

"Okay, okay, I see, so, what about you?"

Collector focused his gaze on the abomination.

Hate smiled.

"Let's play one game and I'll tell you. 1.0"

Collector's expression changed upon hearing this.

Fighting? I don't like it.

Favorites are your favourites.

"I see, I don't bother you anymore."

He knew that it seemed that these special items could not be "collected" this time.

After he finished speaking, he was about to leave.

"Hey, why don't you ask us?"

At this time, a voice stopped the Collector from leaving.

The person who spoke was none other than Thunderbolt Johnny.

"Johnny, don't mess around."

Susan sees Johnny talking, she starts layering

"Haha, the consultants have said that this is a disorderly place, don't worry.

After Johnny finished speaking, he walked up to Collector.

His whole body suddenly burst into flames.

The supernova-like temperature made Collector back again and again.

" have this special ability? How is this possible?

Could it be that Midgard of the Nine Realms has become so terrifying now?

Does anyone have a special ability?".

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