Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

253 Nebula! Rubik's Cube Fruit! (1 More)

"Gamora, get out of the way, it's my turn."

Nebula At the moment drove Gamora away.

She stood in front of Qin Xiao and looked at him expectantly.

"Oh, by the way, what kind of conditions do you need? Since Ronan and I have accepted Goddess Hela, maybe I can't agree to such a troublesome condition."

Nebula did not forget Gamora to put forward the same conditions,

"Come back and contact Thanos, I happen to have some questions for him.

Qin Xiao casually stated a condition,

Originally, I wanted to wait until Hela came to ask, but I was worried that Hela would forget about it.

So let this matter be done by yourself.

"Yes, he doesn't know our situation yet, I can report the results to him, and you can see him."

Nebula immediately agreed to Qin Xiao's request.

"There are mainly three fruits that you can match, Doudou fruit, Rubik's Cube fruit, and Magnetic fruit. The main effects of these three fruits are..."

"Two Eight Three" Qin Xiao introduced the three fruits that Nebula matched.

And briefly explained the reasons why the other party might match these three fruits.

"Doudou fruit? Rubik's cube fruit? Magnetic fruit?"

Nebula is now also in deep thought.

For the time being, she hadn't thought about what kind of fruit she could choose.

But the Abilities of these fruits are even more terrifying than Gamora's.

Peanut fruit will give her a strong defense.

Or to put it another way, it is to allow her to have a stronger survivability.

As a transformed machine, Nebula actually has a very powerful ability to survive.

And even if something goes wrong with her, it can be restored directly by replacing parts.

In a sense, her strength comes from the modification of her body.

If it wasn't for maintaining her human form, she would even be able to add more powerful weapons to her body.

So if Nebula is purely for firepower suppression.

She can be quite scary.

The current Doudou fruit can turn her into a "Doudou".

In this case, her strength may also become very amazing.

And the Rubik's Cube fruit sounds like an unreasonable fruit.

Ability to forcibly turn things into cubes.

Such power is also almost outside the rules.

I just don't know if this power will turn Thanos into a cube.

But one thing, use this fruit to dismantle Thanos' holy place spaceship.

It will definitely be very simple.

If the cube is disassembled along the way, the entire holy place spaceship will definitely suffer.

Moreover, with this fruit, he no longer has to worry about being besieged.

Building a maze at will can make others untraceable.

Even if it is blocked, she can use her fruit ability to easily open countless cubes on the wall.

In a sense, this Ability has both offense and defense.

As for the magnetic fruit, theoretically speaking, this fruit will be very powerful.

Because there are so many things that can be controlled and influenced by magnetism.

Magnetic force can also be transformed into other forces.

Theoretically speaking, with this power, you have a lot of power.

But Xingyun thought about it, and gave up this fruit first.

Her body originally had a lot of circuitry and metal.

She wasn't sure if eating the magnetic fruit would affect her original powers.

This is her own idea, in fact, it is very rare for the fruit holder to affect herself.

If she really chooses the magnetic fruit, maybe she can make a lot of changes.

For example, his power may be replaced by converting magnetic force into electric power and so on.

Even, she can use electricity etc. to convert to magnetic force to increase her strength.

Anyway, she is a transformed person, and more energy sources can be installed in her body.

But Xingyun didn't know, so she gave up the magnetic fruit directly.

Next, you can only choose one of Doudou Fruit and Rubik's Cube Fruit.

Nebula thought for a long time, and finally made up his mind.

"I want this fruit."

She reached out and picked up one of the fruits.

Rubik's Cube Fruit!

"Why did you choose this fruit?"

Gamora saw Nebula make a choice, she asked in confusion.

"I don't care about the increased survivability of Peas fruit.

Because of you, my whole body has been transformed now.

I have a mechanical body, so I won't be much weaker than Peas.

But this Rubik's cube fruit is already a fruit that changes the physical state.

Such power can provide me with more fighting power.

Moreover, when I have the strength, I will fight with you.

I don't believe it, I can't beat you. "

After Xing Yun finished speaking, he bit the Devil Fruit.




Xing Yun took one bite after another, not caring at all whether the devil fruit was unpalatable or not.

"Don't you feel it?"

Gamora has already felt the taste of devil fruit.

But with Xingyun's appearance, it doesn't seem to be unpalatable at all.

"Hmph, thanks to Tony, I have been transformed, I can selectively cut off certain feelings...

At this moment, I have lost my sense of taste. I can no longer feel the things that you find unpalatable. "

Xing Yun gloated.

She saw the other party eating the devil fruit.

Knowing that this food is unpalatable, she doesn't have to feel that disgusting situation.

For this alone, she has the qualifications to gloat.

Xingyun swallowed the devil fruit in a few mouthfuls, and the strange feeling of ecstasy actually spread in her mechanical body.

This kind of power is really astonishing.

In a moment, she stretched her hand to the ground.


Suddenly, the entire ground was turned into cubes one after another.

Piece after piece!

Everyone near Xingyun looked at their feet in astonishment.

Glowing lines spread continuously from Nebula's palm towards the surroundings.

Wherever the light spreads, all the ground directly becomes a cube!


Immediately afterwards, these cubes were suspended in the air under Nebula's control.

"Here, the power of the Rubik's Cube fruit seems to be stronger than what was introduced, right?"

"Have all objects been 'dismembered' into cubes?"

"Is this a physical change?"

"The point is, these cubes are actually able to levitate Flight."

"You said, this fruit can be effective on these objects, will it be effective on living organisms?"

One person asks a question that terrifies the crowd.

If the cubic fruit is also effective for living organisms.

Then, wouldn’t it be miserable for other people to encounter Nebula?

"Whether it works or not, you will know if you try it."

Nebula At the moment directly focused on Gamora at 5.8.

She said that she got the power of the fruit and wanted to fight the opponent.

This is no joke!

"Cube booster!"

"call out!"


The suspended cube suddenly rushed towards Gamora.

"Nebula! What are you doing?"

Gamora looked at the attacking cube, she was also very angry.

This sister is too messy.

"What are you doing? I said that if I want to beat you, I must beat you!"

After Gamora finished speaking, she "held" the air with both hands.

"Air Cube!"

A mass of cubes compressed into air rushed straight towards Gamora.

Because it is compressed, the air is as visible to the naked eye as Rogers' Blob fruit.

All the cubes rushed towards Gamora with haste.

"Xingyun! If you want to fight, I will fight with you!".

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