Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

278 Ebony Maw! Rustling Fruit!

"Master, what kind of fruit do you think I should choose?"

Ebony Maw's loyalty to Thanos is truly amazing.

Even the choice that would involve his own strength was given to Thanos.

Thanos thought for a moment.

"Choose the rustling fruit, it can increase your chances of survival.

Your bodies are still too weak to fight against the Planet Devourer.

Thanos naturally has his considerations.

Ebony Maw, as his number one general (movie universe), he naturally has to think about the other party's survival.

Although Thanos himself is interested in the heavy fruit of the ebony match.

If Ebony Maw has the power of this fruit.

His strength may become very powerful.

But Thanos also knows that Ebony Maw's power is more of his "magic", or Psychokinesis.

The power of heavy fruit, although powerful, will affect the use of Psychokinesis by Ebony Maw originally.

On weekdays, he would control the things around "Zero Four Three" to fight at will.

With many fruits but always thinking about pulling meteorites.

This is clearly an influence from the Psychokinesis of Ebony Maw originally.

Instead, trade the Rushing Fruit for the Ebony Maw's Survival Boost, which is nearly immune to physical damage.

This is clearly the best deal.

"Yes, master."

Ebony Maw made his choice directly.

He picked up the rustling fruit and bit it down.

Ebony Maw does what Thanos says.

He didn't think about which one was better for him.

He ate the fruit in a few mouthfuls.

After a moment, Ebony Maw stretched out his hands.



The entire hands directly turned into a piece of fine sand.

These fine sands are constantly flying in the air.

Still seems to be part of Ebony Maw's body.

In other words, this was originally a part of his body.

Immediately afterwards, Ebony Maw turned into a piece of fine sand.

This piece of fine sand floats and shuttles continuously in the head of the god.

Not only that, but everyone can clearly see that the fine sand is changing its shape.

Ebony Maw easily molded the sand of his avatar using his own Psychokinesis.

The sand that has been altered is also extraordinarily hard.

It was like a nail piercing into the skull of a god.

Not only that, he seems to be constantly trying to move underground.

"What the hell is the other party doing?"

"His sand seems to be quite powerful, and it can actually crush a part of the head of a god.

"It doesn't have to be the skull of the god of heaven, because in the endless time, the head of the god of heaven has also absorbed a lot of dust in the universe. Maybe it is those dust that he crushed."

"But even that is already very powerful."

"That's right, even the dust that can exist in the universe for endless years cannot be underestimated.

"All natural fruit Abilities can achieve this kind of elementalization.

This originally will make their strength amazing.

At least in the face of physical attacks, it will appear very powerful. "

"Thanos' subordinates are indeed very powerful, and they now have two natural-type Devil Fruit Ability users.

"But what on earth is he going to do? It's okay to dig into the head of some god?"

"Experiment your own Ability. Doesn't every fruit Ability user realize his own Ability?"

"Why did he drill the head of a god when he experimented with Ability?"

"The sturdiness of the natural head is beyond imagination, if it can have an impact on this place, it should also have an impact on other things.

"It makes sense, just like the cubic fruit of Nebula, the small cube that easily cuts the entire head of the god into pieces."

Everyone is talking about the operation of Ebony Maw here.

For them, this is just a little thought in the heart.

Thanos now has two nature abilities under his command.

A gas fruit, a rustling fruit.

The point is that both fruits still look strong.

In this way, the strength of Thanos' army has been significantly improved.

It also represents the growing danger of Thanos' Legion.

A moment later, a large cloud of sand emerged from another part of the god's head.

The sand gradually converged into a human form.

But everyone found that there is still plenty of sand after gathering into a human form.

Those surplus sands gradually turned into all kinds of things.

"Manipulating other things requires more power for me.

But manipulating this kind of sand is almost effortless for me.

And there seems to be a special connection with the sand.

This connection allows me to have more power.

The strength of sand originally is also very strong, although it does not seem to be as hard as stone, steel and so on.

But in fact, the impact force of this kind of fine sand is not small.

Even the head of the god will be polished off in this constant erosion.

Moreover, the material of the sand is different, and the strength of the final formation and cohesion will also be different.

Ebony Maw talked about his understanding of the rustling fruit.

After he finished speaking, he also condensed the remaining sand into the shape he wanted.

A distinctly tapered spear appeared in his hand....

The spear is constantly flying in the sky.

And it easily pierced some surrounding objects.

Everyone can clearly see that the color of the tip of the spear is obviously different from other sand colors,

"Do those gravels belong to the skulls of the gods? It is obviously much harder than ordinary gravel."

"The opponent's power can be shaped at will, and this is the reason why it can easily not loosen sand grains, but become as hard as metal to integrate."

"This rustling fruit seems to be more suitable for Ebony Maw than other fruits."

"Personally, I think so too, although I heard from the introduction that Heavy Fruit and Piao Piao Fruit seem to be different.

Because these two fruits obviously have a wide range of power.

However, the rustling fruit has already made the other party even more terrifying.

The cooperation between the two is not just one-sided strengthening. "

Survival attacks have become stronger, and Survival Ability has also become stronger. This is really not a little improvement for him.

Looking at the ball of sand constantly flying around, people feel more and more sense of belonging.

Not only that, everyone immediately discovered that after passing through the ground, these sands will constantly expand when they appear again.

What does this represent?

The opponent is expanding the power he can control!

The environment of this place is not very conducive to Ebony Maw.

But Ebony Maw is still constantly expanding his advantage,

Those sands that are getting bigger and bigger are the expansion of his power. .

Think about it, if this is a desert, what would Ebony Maw be like?

Perhaps, he is the invincible 2.1 existence.

But obviously, the opponent is not without weaknesses.

All liquids will affect Ebony Maw's handling of sand.

However, that's just the power of Ebony Maw eating the swish fruit!

You know, the magic of Ebony Maw originally has great power.

In World War I, he could easily shapeshift and shape buildings, masonry, and metal at will.

In other words, excluding the power of the rustling fruit, the power of Ebony Maw here is still extremely terrifying.

After all, there are many things that can be manipulated.

So if someone thinks that Ebony Maw's fruit Ability has shortcomings, he is easy to bully.

Then reality will teach him to be a man.

Ebony Maw felt the improvement of his own strength, and then gracefully floated in front of Qin Xiao.

"Thank you for the devil fruit of the messenger."

"You're welcome, these things will have to be paid for by destroying the room.

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