Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

287 Mysterious Wanda! Ask Charles To Help With The Investigation!

"There are actually two superpowers that Scott researched!"

Tony looked at the information in it with a look of surprise.

"What are the Abilities of these two power users?"

Captain Rogers was the first to ask~his question.

"One of them has the ability to move quickly, which is somewhat similar to Barton's Momo Fruit.

But judging from the current situation, Barton's speed is faster than the opponent.

It's a pity that Barton is not here now, or let him capture the other party directly. "

Hill agent told about Quicksilver Pietro's Ability based on the information he got.

Pietro's power is strong.

But for the time being, his speed will not be stronger than Barton's Momo fruit.

Barton's development of Momo fruit can be increased to seven or eight times faster.

This means that if Barton normally takes 100 meters and 10 seconds, on average it will be 10 meters per second.

After seventy times the increase, he can reach 700 meters per second!

That's more than twice the speed of sound!

For the time being, At the moment's Quicksilver also reaches supersonic speed.

As for whether the opponent's speed will be faster, this is not yet known.

They were disappointed that Barton At the moment, who was able to catch up with Quicksilver, was not there.

However, Captain Rogers can also catch up with the opponent under the power of the Blob fruit.

It's a pity that Rogers' movement of the chapter is not as convenient as the opponent's.

After all, the fast movement of Captain Rogers needs to be wrapped in Blob's bubbles to move at the same time.

Hill agent is already considering whether to call Hawkeye back.

"This one is obviously the one who attacked us, so what about the other one? The other party didn't make a move. What's Scott saying here?"

"Another has the ability to manipulate and read other people's consciousness. It also has the ability to use mental power to control objects."

"Psychic power controls the consciousness of others? This Pierce's memory fruit seems to be somewhat similar.

Captain Rogers was taken aback when he heard this Ability.

Such an ability is too dangerous.

Just one Pierce came close to posing a devastating threat.

If Nick Fury hadn't gotten the staring fruit at that time, he had seen through the opponent's plan in advance.

Then the entire S.H.I.E.L.D will be replaced by HYDRA.

"No, his power is more like a Mutant to be precise."

Hill agent clearly put forward a different opinion.

"Like who?"

"Phoenix Jean Grey!"

Agent Hill spat out a name.

And the name comes as a surprise.

Now Qin Gelei's name is also registered in S.H.I.E.L.D, and her danger level has now been raised to SSS level.

In other words, Jean Grey's degree of danger has reached the same level of danger as Magneto and Charles.

The strength shown by Qin Gelei is the control of objects and the control of the mind.

This Wanda who suddenly appeared, now seems to have exactly the same power as the other party.

It's just that from the temporary situation, Wanda's power is not as powerful as Jean Grey's.

Qin Gelei was in danger of losing control, but Qin Shi, the demon messenger, used the evil window to control her.

Its method of control is to let Charles eat the fruit of encouragement.

The power to inspire fruit originally is very strange.

It may not have much effect in terms of combat effectiveness.

But it's a perfect match with Charles.

Charles originally was educating all kinds of Mutants to have their own beliefs.

And his mental power is also very powerful, and he can control other people's thinking and read other people's memories at close range.

Under the action of the brain strengthening device, he can even directly contact humans all over the world.

When his mental power controls others, coupled with the power of bulging, he can directly communicate the courage and strength in the deepest part of a person's heart.

Those who have courage and strength can naturally deal with the evil in their hearts.

This is what Phoenix Liqin Gray needs the most.

To some extent, he did directly prevent Jean Grey from continuing Blacken.

To a certain extent, this saved a huge amounts of crisis, which came from Jean Grey Blacken's crisis.

But again this is equivalent to liberating a level 5 Mutant.

The current human government and even S.H.I.E.L.D think that Jean Grey is only a fourth-level Mutant.

But in fact, "Jean Grey is already a level five Mutant.

Her Phoenix force is the power of the Level Universe.

Jean Gray with Phoenix force can easily defeat Odin and the others.

And it's not even the Phoenix force in its full state.

So from a certain point of view, whether it is the future of mankind, the future of Mutant, or even the future of the entire universe, it is all controlled by Qin Gelei.

This time, Qin Xiao went to see Charles as soon as he received the invitation to confirm Qin Gelei's situation at the moment.

As long as Jean Grey remains stable, she can add a general when dealing with the planet devourer.

0…Ask for flowers…………………

It can even be said to a certain extent that the Planet Devourer is a younger brother after Qin Gree's power is liberated.

Agent Hill specifically mentioned just now that Wanda's power is very similar to that of Jean Grey.

Although the essence of the two people's strength is not the same, their manifestations do have some similarities.

Mind control of psychic powers, similar to the manipulation of objects by Psychokinesis.

"If the strength of the other party is somewhat similar to that of Charles being Jean Grey, maybe we can ask Charles to help find these two superpowers."

Captain Rogers immediately thought of a solution to this matter.

Compared to their aimless search, it is indeed better to let Charles directly use his brain wave strengthening device to search around the world.

Otherwise, Nico Fury needs to make a move. His Glaring Fruit can see a range of 4,000 kilometers, and maybe he can find the other party.

"Contact Charles? Yep, maybe we can actually contact Charles, just to find out what trouble they're having.

Now is the crisis of the Level Universe. If we know about Professor Charles' troubles, we may be able to help.

After that, they can also provide very powerful power for the entire universe. After all, their Mutant individual strengths are very powerful.

At this time, ask them for help, and by the way, you can communicate more with each other. "

Xier's agent immediately understood the cause and effect of the whole incident.

At the same time, she also made up her mind to go and see what happened to Charles.

It is definitely not a trivial matter that can make Charles feel difficult.

With the preparations, everyone began to divide the work.

Some went on to train on spaceships from "alien".

Tony's and Dr. Ri's and Dr. Banner's eyes were fixed directly on Loki's scepter.

There is a Mind Gem in this thing, which really makes them feel that it is worth researching.

Hill agent took Captain Rogers straight to Charles' school.

When Charles saw the two coming, he was really curious.

In his induction, S.H.I.E.L.D should have its own thing to do.

Recently, he has been constantly attacking the remnants of HYDRA, how could At the moment have time to come to him.

"Charles, long time no see."

Hill agent greeted Charles warmly.

"Long time no see, Hill agent, aren't you very busy recently, why come to my place when you have time?".

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