Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

289 Wanda And Quicksilver! Matching Devil Fruits!

"You are in danger now.

Charles' voice was serious.

This sentence surprised both Wanda and Pietro.

Wanda At the moment used his magic to expel the psychic power from Pietro's mind.

It also means that she has connected to Charles' spiritual power.

So she heard Charles' voice too.

She was going to drive Charles' psychic power out of Pietro's mind immediately, and At the moment had to stop.

"We are in danger? Why?"

Wanda asked.

"I already know your purpose. If you want to deal with Avengers, you two can't do it. If you really have an idea, I will wait for you at this address."

Charles directly reported a place name.

It is the address of Xavier's School.

"Who are you?"

Wanda asked the question directly.

"I'm Charles, or you can call me Professor X."

Charles directly revealed his name.

"Professor X, you are the leader of the Mutant, Professor X, I have long heard that your Mutant Ability can connect to various places, but I didn't expect you to take the initiative to find us.

You say we're in danger now, what the hell is going on?"

Although Pietro was born 12 minutes earlier than Wanda, he is not as calm as a big brother. 04

On the contrary, it is because of Wanda's own ability that she understands people's hearts better.

She understood the thoughts of many people, and also felt the horror of people's hearts.

So At the moment's Pietro is like a kid bumping into his idol.

He asked excitedly why Charles had come to him, and why he said they were in danger.

"If you believe me, I will send someone to pick you up, and in my school, I can explain it to you in detail.

Charles spoke softly.

Wanda and Pietro looked at each other, and finally agreed with Charles.

Charles has proven his skills over the decades.

Mutant can get good training and education from him, so the two of them, as superpowers, may also be able to get training and education.

At the very least, they will not be regarded as freaks by others, nor will they be used by others with ill intentions.

After a while, Cyclops flew a Thunderbird plane and took the two to x school.

Only Charles, Qin Gelei and Qin Xiao appeared in At the moment,

Hill agent and Captain Rogers were assigned to other places.

Because the memory that Charles read in Pietro's mind wasn't very good.

Not so good, at least for the members of the Avengers.

When Wanda and Pietro approached Qin Xiao, Qin Xiao's system made a matching sound again.

"Ding, a fruit ability matcher has been detected."

"It can be matched with devil fruit: slippery fruit, diamond fruit, peas fruit, rubber fruit..."

"It can be matched with devil fruit: sparkling fruit, diamond fruit, slippery fruit, rubber fruit..."

The continuous sound of devil fruit matching sounds, and Wanda and Pietro are indeed devil fruit Ability matchers.

It was just a few fruits matched by Wanda, which made Qin Xiao feel a little interesting.

The first one is smooth fruit!

If it is said that the fruit that women most want to have is Ability, this fruit can definitely be ranked in the top three.

After eating this fruit, one can directly become a person with smooth skin.

Everything that touches the skin is slid away.

It is almost immune to physical attacks, and perhaps even has the possibility of zero friction.

If it's just like this, it won't make people feel that this is what a woman most wants to have.

The point is, the person who eats this fruit will become a peerless beauty!

Alrita was originally a big fat man, and she also had freckles all over her face.

But just because she ate the slippery fruit, she directly became a super beauty.

This ability gave Wanda, and Qin Xiao even looked forward to it slightly.

Wanda's age is when she is young and beautiful, and she is originally beautiful and moving.

If there is a slippery fruit, this is simply icing on the cake.

Moreover, Slippery Fruit can make Wanda immune to more attacks.

She doesn't need the Fruit Power herself to increase her Ability.

Because her ability is already very powerful, and she has full potential.

The only problem is that her magic takes a certain amount of time to cast.

At this time, people may be targeted.

But with Slippery Fruit, ordinary attacks have no effect on her.

This undoubtedly increased her survivability.

As for the diamond fruit, peas fruit, and even the rubber fruit, there is no doubt that it does not increase her survivability.

And the devil fruit matched by Pietro is very interesting.

Shiny fruit!

This fruit can turn a person into light.

This means that the host speed of this fruit will become very astonishing.

Pietro's original speed is already astonishing, if he has the power of the shining fruit, it means that his speed will directly reach the speed of light.

Such a speed, very few people in the whole world can reach it.

The only thing definitely known to be attainable is Captain Marvel's double star status.

Most importantly, Pietro, who possesses the power of the shiny fruit, will never die so casually.

A Speed ​​Ability was directly killed by a bullet.

This kind of thing is simply unbelievable.

As for the diamond fruit, slippery fruit and rubber fruit, they are undoubtedly increasing Pietro's survival ability.

These three fruits will avoid the child's play of being killed by bullets.

Moreover, the diamond fruit can obviously increase Pietro's aggressiveness.

Think about it, originally a body hit at supersonic speed.

Hitting against a hard diamond at supersonic speed, who is more powerful.

Obviously, the harder something is, the more destructive At the moment will be.

On the contrary, the slippery fruit increased Pietro's survival ability and even his speed. 163

After all, zero friction means that the resistance of the air can also offset a lot, which will make Pietro's speed even more amazing.

However, because of the slippery fruit, his attack power will definitely be affected.

Think about it, a punch in the past, and the result is slipping away from the opponent!

This undoubtedly affected his Ability performance somewhat.

The rubber fruit seems to be able to enhance Pietro's offensive.

Imagine Luffy doing something and then Pietro doing it at supersonic speed.

This is simply the speed at which I was born to open the second gear or even exceed the second gear.

This kind of terrifying improvement is also very astonishing.

Qin Xiao looked at the matching devil fruit between the two, and he had a calculation in his heart.

But let's wait for Charles to communicate with the other two about this matter first.

"Nice to meet you two, then we can have a good chat."

Charles' tone was mild.

His words also contained his spiritual power, which was used to calm the uneasy mood of the two of them.

Similarly, it also has the power of encouraging fruit, which is used to stimulate the inner emotions of the two.

"Professor X, you said we are dangerous, why?"

Pietro was the first to ask the question.

If this question is not clear, it is obvious that he has always had a knot in his heart.

"How much do you guys know about S.H.I.E.L.D and Avengers?"

Charles first asked one such question.

"We, in fact, know very little."

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