Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

295 Magneto's Mobilization! Persuasion By Charles!

"But no matter what you do next, it is necessary to strengthen your strength.

Qin Xiao At the moment said something pointedly.

Both Charles and Jean Grey turned their heads.

"Could it be that there are still people on our side who can become Fruit Ability users?"

Charles naturally knew what Qin Xiao's words meant.

Can quickly improve the strength, for the time being, only use the devil fruit.

The improvement of their Mutant Ability cannot be achieved overnight.

But the devil fruit is different, as long as you eat it, you can definitely improve your strength.

It's just that the ability to increase the file size is related to the fruit.

"It is true that some people possess the ability to become Fruit Ability holders."

Qin Xiao agreed with Charles.

"It seems that the situation of this matter is indeed serious, otherwise, you wouldn't let our people increase their strength.

Charles easily understood why Qin Xiao did this.

It seems that this Mutant crisis may be very dangerous.

Or, even if it wasn't the crisis of the Mutants this time, Qin Xiao let them strengthen their strength, maybe it was to deal with the crisis of the universe.

The only way to resolve the cosmic crisis this time is to constantly strengthen one's own strength.

Thinking of this, Charles turned his attention to Jean Grey.

Now, Qin Gelei's strength has not seen the upper limit.

I really don't know what kind of effect Qin Gelei will have in dealing with this crisis.

But then, he turned his attention back.

"Whether those children are willing to become Fruit Ability holders is not yet known.

But the next thing to do is to find Magneto first.

We have to know what Magneto does next.

Otherwise, he will be in trouble if he really does something that triggers a big war.

Now robbing a car will only use part of the police force.

If there are more attacks, it will be troublesome.

Qin Gree, you accompany Qin here to match devil fruit with other Mutant students.

I did this first. "

Charles knew exactly what to do now.

He asked Qin Gelei to greet Qin Xiao here, and let Mutant match the devil fruit.

And himself, to find Magneto.

On the other side, Magneto managed to save Mystique and several Mutants this time.

Immediately afterwards, these people returned to their temporary base.

In the temporary base, at least hundreds of Mutants are gathering here.

These, are all believers in Mutant supremacy.

Here, they held pre-battle mobilization and arrangements.

The first is to find the Mutant that will make the Mutant Ability disappear.

Because of this, it has now been exposed by interested people.

All they have to do is find out where the Mutant is in the first place.

And ask the human government to hand over the other party, because this is using Mutant as an experiment, which is a very inhumane situation.

And if they promote it for this reason, even many ordinary people will stand by their side.

This will undoubtedly put a lot of pressure on the other party.

Just when Magneto was about to do these things, Charles found him using a brain wave strengthening device.

Sabretooth, who had been by his side all the time, was suddenly controlled by Charles.

"Eric, what you are doing now may need to wait.

We and human beings still need to live in peace, and fighting cannot solve any problems.

In other words, this time is not the best time to fight" "."

Charles' words came out of Sabretooth's mouth.

"Charles, you found me again, you always find me.

Don't say we don't fight, why don't we let them wipe out all our Mutants?

Since human governments no longer want to negotiate and get along with us properly.

So why should we continue to maintain peace?"

Magneto still kept his thoughts.

As for peace, if it weren't for Charles's insistence on living in peace.

If it weren't for Charles constantly stopping his attack.

How could he maintain the current peaceful situation with mankind?

He has long wanted to fight the human government.

The radiation machine that was originally prepared in New York is a manifestation of his troubles.

What the human side did this time was simply digging the roots of their Mutant.

As a leader of Mutant supremacy, he would definitely not pass up such an opportunity.

And this opportunity allowed him to gather countless Mutants in the blink of an eye!

Because many mutants have serious doubts about the coercive approach of the human government.

Under such circumstances, it was also easiest for Magneto to bring together the Mutant, easier than he had ever been before.

This is a rare opportunity to have a high status in Mutant.

"Eric, there are some things you don't know very well. This time, after you listen to me, you will understand why I said this is not the best time.

Charles At the moment also found an opportunity to tell Magneto the information.

About the current crisis in the universe and things that will affect many creatures.

Originally, he was worried that if he told Magneto suddenly, the other party would not believe the news.

But now it seems that it is impossible.

"Then I wonder if there's anything I don't know about, and what could be more serious at this point than Mutant might be wiped out.

Magneto obviously didn't believe Charles' words.

After all, for him, Mutant occupying the main position in the world is what he wants to do most.

`~Since you want to know, I will tell you, in fact, the entire universe is already facing a dangerous thing.

And the cause and effect of these things, you may not be clear, because I was not very clear at first.

During this time, do you know why S.H.I.E.L.D is so low-key?

Because almost all of their fruit Abilities are dispatched to other places.

And do you know where they went?"

Charles asked Magneto back.

"Is there a special place where S.H.I.E.L.D goes?"

Magneto expressed some disbelief.

But he also knew that Charles would let him go, maybe the other party could really say an answer that surprised him.

"People from S.H.I.E.L.D went to the universe this time and saw more aliens.

They even brought some aliens back to Earth (Wang Wang's).

And this part of the aliens is now in S.H.I.E.L.D.

If you don't believe it, you can go to S.H.I.E.L.D to see, I think there must be someone on your side who can enter S.H.I.E.L.D.

Charles directly told something that really caught Magneto by surprise.

Aliens in S.H.I.E.L.D!

"What do aliens come to earth for? There is no good thing for aliens to come to earth!"

Magneto has a natural resistance to aliens.

It was Thor Thor who first knew about aliens.

Moreover, this seems to be the beginning of aliens entering the earth.

Then Loki came to Earth with the Zeta Swiss Soldiers, and that was originally Thor didn't deal with them.

Asgard represented by Thor, Chitauri of the mysterious forces.

These are the crises brought by aliens.

Otherwise, where on the whole earth are there so many things.

Now there are still aliens coming, which makes Magneto's heart sink.

"You're right, the next thing is the most important thing."

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