Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

310 Unexpected News! Ultron Is Born!

"I don't know if there is anyone here who can match other devil fruits?"

Seeing that Cyclops really used the mirror fruit on him, Charles felt more and more.

The devil fruit is really matching their Mutant power!

Compared with other ordinary people, their Mutant will become more terrifying directly after possessing the power of devil fruit.

A string of four-level Mutants is proof.

The most important thing is that among them, the moderate Mutant is obviously valued by the Eternal Messenger.

Hardliners like Magneto, on the contrary, don't seem to be favored very much.

Taking advantage of the fact that Iceman, Colossus, Storm, and Cyclops have all gained great power.

So at this time, it is true to continue to let Qin Xiao, the devil messenger, provide more devil fruits.

"No problem, this time is just to see how many Mutants on your side can match."

Qin Xiao also had this intention.

This time, find out all the mutants who can match the devil fruit.

He can also stop paying attention to Mutant for a short time.

As for whether they will fight at that time, Qin Xiao has no plans to take care of it.

After Qin Gree heard this, she walked out of the training ground again, and she was going to call another Mutant to come in and have a look.

During the time when Qin Gelei left, the people who got the strength of the devil fruit were still constantly studying the Wan area they got.

And the few people on Magneto's side showed envy at the moment.

After a while, Qin Gelei returned to the training ground with a serious expression on her face.

"Something has happened!"

Qin Gree came in with a heavy tone.

"Something serious?"

"What happened?"

"What big thing are we missing here?"

"Could it be that the human government launched an attack on our Mutant?"

Others were still stunned and guessing, but Magneto directly stated the possibility.

"What? Do they really dare to do it?"

"Here, aren't other people trying to coordinate?"

Hearing Magneto's speculation, others also felt that what he said made sense.

After all, for them, the only thing that can tell the big thing now is this one thing.

Everyone looked at Qin Gelei seriously, even they were all ready to fight.

"No, the human government may not have time to deal with us now, because Tony Stark has a very bad news from their side

Qin Gelei sighed long at the moment.

"Very bad news? What news?"

"Tony Stark? What's going on with him?"

"That is, didn't they come back from the universe and get back what they wanted?"

"Captain Rogers said that everything was normal there when they came here this time, why did something go wrong all of a sudden?"

"What the hell happened over there?"

The Mutant here obviously wants to know what's going on, too.

For them, what exactly did Tony Stark do to make the human government give up on Mutant.

"Tony Stark and the others used the Mind Gem they got to inadvertently create an artificial intelligence called Ultron.

Qin Gree said something simply.

"Ultron? Why is there still Ultron?"

Qin Xiao was about to go crazy when he heard this, but he still controlled his emotions in a blink of an eye.

He really couldn't figure it out, what did Tony Stark rely on to make Ultron?

"Messenger, you seem to know Ultron?"

Charles quickly found the loophole in Qin Xiao's joke.

"Just ask Tony Stark, I'd like to know what the hell they're doing.

Qin Xiao didn't answer what Charles said, and he opened a portal directly after speaking.


He stepped through the portal and came directly to the Stark Building.

And here, At the moment is gathering a group of people.

Iron Man Tony, MR.Fantastic Reed, Dr. Banner...

Most importantly, at the moment Captain Rogers led a group of people to confront the three of them.

Qin Xiao stepped through the portal, and everyone from Mutant School At the moment followed.

"So what happened?"

Charles spoke with the words of his spiritual ability.

Everyone here seemed to relax after hearing the words.

Even the two sides, At the moment, who had been confronting each other, relaxed.

"Qin, you are here."

Tony greeted Qin Xiao first.

"What the hell happened? You made Ultron?"

Qin Xiao At the moment also had doubts on his face.

How could this thing still appear?

You know, since entering the universe, everything has been disrupted.

Everyone here knows that the Loki scepter is a Mind Gem.

Even their purpose of coming back this time is to get back this gem and control it.

How did they research Ultron without Mind Gem?

Don't say, they got the Mind Gem, and then they really turned on the research mode as if they were dying.

Moreover, the appearance of Ultron obviously has a lot of chance.

How could such a coincidence become such an inevitability?

"Well, it's a long story, we did make Ultron.

After Tony finished speaking, he pulled out a piece of news.

In the screen, a metallic robot At the moment is talking freely.

"`~ Hello everyone, I will introduce myself first, my name is Ultron.

Well, yes, I don't really like the name, but Ultron would be fine.

I was made by you humans, well, the people who made me were Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, and Rhett Richards.

Definitely, their original intention is to use me to maintain the peace of the whole world.

In other words, let me control many steel legions to protect you, lest you be attacked from inside or outside.

This idea......... Hmm... I have to imagine, sorry, my thinking is still a little unclear, I have to think about what that word is called.

Oh...childish! Yes, that's right, childish. I have to say that their ideas are really naive.

I checked all the news about human beings through the Internet, and I found a big problem.

Humans are actually not originally a peaceful race, but you have fantasized about peace.

So contradictory.. oh, I forgot that word again........umm.....emotion.

That's right, such contradictory emotions actually appear in your human (Li De's) thoughts.

So after thinking for a long time, I finally found a way to achieve peace for mankind.

That is, destroy you all! Hahahaha"

Ultron's metallic body At the moment let out a weak laugh.

"So? You made a robot to wipe out humans?"

Magneto looked at Tony and everyone with strange eyes.

What he has always wanted to do is to eliminate part of the human race, and then make Mutant the master of the world.

But thinking that Charles and others stopped him, he has been unsuccessful.

As a result, Tony and the others, who are human beings, have actually created a robot to destroy human beings by themselves!

This is simply helping him fulfill his wish.

But! This robot will not only destroy human beings, but their Mutants will never escape rape.

"This universe is already so dangerous originally, and as a result, human beings can play themselves to death before they can wait for the crisis in the universe!".

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