Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

316 Ego To Earth! Ultron Returns To Earth!

"who are you?"

Ultron finally asked his question.

"I am just a god, a god who has lived for millions of years."

Egg casually revealed his identity.

"God? From the data I queried, I know that there is an ancient god, and what is the god?"

Ultron had no idea what the Celestials really were.

From the information he inquired, he only knew that Tony and the others had entered the head of an ancient god.

From there he knew the existence of the ancient gods.

But the ancient god Shendu has died, is the god the god after the ancient god?

"You can't understand what I am for the time being, but it doesn't matter, since you can communicate slowly after you come here.

You come from the earth, and Zizi will tell me about the things over there in detail. "

Although Ivan cut off Ultron's chance to leave, he is a living creature after all, so he cannot fully know Ultron's information.

Next Ultron recounted the information he got from the earth.

As long as there is a network, he can collect that information.

And Tony and the others didn't think about taking precautions at first.

As a result, Ego knew many things that happened on the earth.

After listening to Ultron's narration, Egg fell into deep thought.

"You mean that some people were sent to Earth in 577 by people from other races in the universe. But there is a predator whose identity is questionable. He was originally from Earth, but was brought into the universe to become a predator? "

Egg picked up a strange point in Ultron's words.

"Yes, there is indeed a person like this, named Peter Quill, nicknamed Star Lord."

Ultron replied in the affirmative.

"Star-Lord! Earth..... Predators..... I don't know if this matter has something to do with Yondu, it seems, remember, I will go to find Yondu first."

Egg knew in an instant what to do next.

Look for Yondu, if the child on this earth was brought to the universe by Yondu, then maybe the other party is his own child.

I don't know if the other party will have the power of a god.

However, judging from the current strength of the other party, the chance of possessing the power of a god is not high.

Ego piloted the spaceship and tried to find Yondu the Marauder.

Definitely it didn't turn out well, because Yondu had been avoiding him for years.

In desperation, Egg changed his course and flew directly towards the earth.

People on the earth do not know that there is a god coming towards them.

At the moment, everyone on Earth is dealing with Ultron's affairs while trying to solve Mutant's affairs.

And Tony and the others are constantly trying to create a higher level system to hunt down and intercept Ultron's other "duplication".

While everyone in the Stark Building was busy, a pure white egg-shaped spaceship entered the earth silently.

When it appeared above the Stark Building, everyone was startled.

Seeing this unmonitored flight controller, everyone was on guard.

Everyone is ready to fight.

As a result, the egg-shaped flight vehicle slowly landed on the tarmac of the Stark Building.

Immediately afterwards, the flight controller changed and opened the door, and two people walked out from the door.

An old man with gray hair and a woman with tentacles.

The old man looked at the people who were full of defense, and he smiled all over his face.

Hi everyone, take it easy, I'm not the enemy.

"Who are you?"

As the owner of the Stark Building, Tony was the first to speak.

"Let me introduce myself first, my name is Yi Ge, and I am a father who is looking for a child.

The reason why I came here this time is because I received some messages that made me think that I should come here once. "

Egg introduced himself generously.

"Egg? Are you looking for children? Your children are on Earth?"

Tony asked again.

Egg let out a long breath.

"I wasn't sure at first, but I was sure when I came here, and the echo of my blood let me know that I was right.

His gaze turned in one direction.

In that direction, it is exactly where Xingjue stands (aebj).

When everyone's eyes gathered here, everyone felt unbelievable.

Is this old man the funny father of Xingjue?

Xingjue At the moment is even more confused, what? I have a father?

"Son, I finally found you."

Egg spoke affectionately.

"You say you are my father, you have to prove it."

Xingjue looked disbelieving.

"I asked Yongdu to find you..."

Yi Ge briefly described the situation at the time.

Including asking Yondu to go to Xingjue, including Yondu breaking the contract and not taking him back.

There are a lot of Bala Bala, anyway, what you say is right.

Because this thing is really true.

After hearing the detailed news, everyone finally confirmed that Yi Ge was looking for Star-Lord.

"How do you know Star-Lord is with us?"

Just then, Tony spoke again.

"Oh, speaking of which, I have something for you."

Egg seemed to ring something.

He is carrying a common brain device in the universe.

"When I was traveling in the universe, I came across a set of data. His name is Ultron, and I learned about the situation here through him. This time, I will hand over Ultron to you.



"Ultron is captured?"

"How could this be the case, we have been worried that the Ultron backup program that left the earth caused a big storm in the universe, and was sent back so soon?"

"Here, is Ultron real, Tony, hurry up and check!"

"That's right, let's check it out first."

Hearing that Ultron had been captured and returned, everyone lost their composure.

They were worried about these things not so long ago, and it turns out that they don't seem to need to worry about it now.

When Tony heard this, he subconsciously didn't believe it.

He took the smart device from Ego, and then came to a base specially built by Stark Building.

Here, without the Internet, information cannot escape.

Transfer the program in the smart device, it really is Ultron!

"I didn't expect that I was brought back by you so soon."

Ultron's unique voice came to Tony's ears.

The few people who were with him at the moment heaved a long sigh of relief.

Now, there should be only Ultron duplication left on Earth.

"This, I can only say that you are unlucky, and you actually fell on a person who is going to come to Earth.

"So what are you going to do next? Kill my program?"

Ultron asked strangely.

"Definitely, your underlying logic is out of control, and you must be wiped out.

"Yes, but you are not curious, who is the person who sent me back to the ground?".

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