Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

318 Threats! Egg's Concession!

"Qin, tell us what's going on?"

At this time Tony finally came here.

They have been studying what Ultron said in the laboratory, and they didn't want to show it until Qin Xiao came.

At the moment they waited until Qin Xiao arrived, and they also caught up by the way.

I thought it was just something simple.

In the end, looking at Qin Xiao's appearance, it seemed that things were not simple at all.

The lives of thousands of living planets seem to be assimilated by each other.

"Hehe, you want to know what's going on? Then tell you that everyone is facing the threat of death, and all of this is because of this god.

He has left his seeds on thousands of living planets, and once these seeds have energy, they can quickly penetrate the roots into the center of the earth.

At that time, the entire planet will be covered by his seeds, which is equivalent to his duplication.

Oh "Three Zero Zero", by the way, I forgot to tell you that his body is a brain left by some ancient god.

After millions of years, he manipulated the matter in the universe and finally formed a planet.

So his body is the brain, his body is the planet, and his seed is the substance that assimilates all the planets.

And all of this requires the power of a god, because his power as a god is not enough to do such a thing. "

Qin Xiao revealed Yi Ge's truth in a few words.

At this moment, everyone became extremely horrified.

And Yi Ge At the moment also looked shocked.

The Eternal Great God even told the other party these things?

He was sure that this matter was definitely done by the Eternal God, otherwise it would be impossible to know such a thing based on the other party's age.

His heart is becoming more and more horrified now, could it be that the Eternal God is actually against him?

It's as if the Eternal God is now dealing with the Planet Devourer, who is also the creation god.

And Planet Devourer, as the creator god, is theoretically older and higher level than him, the god of heaven.

It might be possible for the Eternal God to stop the Planet Devourer and also stop himself.

This time, Egg could no longer keep calm.

If even the eternity of one of the five great gods of creation is blocked, then what he is going to do is basically impossible to succeed.

"You mean, my father always wanted to destroy the world? Or at least plan to destroy thousands of planets?"

Star Lord At the moment is simply unbelievable.

The person in front of him who was so kind and told him about the past just now is actually a brain.

Not only that, he also wants to destroy the world!

This simply directly destroyed his three views.

He just got his father's love, but in a blink of an eye, he was told that his father was heinous.

The imaginary father's kindness and son's filial piety seem to have turned into acting in a blink of an eye.

When the others heard Xingjue's words, they all looked at each other strangely.

This funny father is really not a good thing.

At first, I thought that Xingjue's teasing was a mutation, but now it seems that this is definitely inherited from his father.

"Oh, by the way, there is one more thing I almost forgot, Quill, he must not have put your mother's in there himself.

Qin Xiao backstabbed Yi Ge again in the blink of an eye.


When Xingjue heard the news, he was completely dumbfounded.

I just wanted to fight for my father, but later someone told me that my father killed my mother!

"I made it very clear. If you don't believe me, you can ask him yourself."

Qin Xiao wanted to see what Xingjue would choose with some evil intentions.

Star-Lord suddenly turned his head to look at Yi Ge.

And at the moment's Yi=Igo didn't give any explanation.

He acquiesced to what Qin Xiao said.

"You bastard, did you really kill my mother?"

Star-Lord growled angrily?

Yi Ge tilted his head: "After all, they are not gods, and they really affect what I want to do."

"Light soul!"

Star-Lord is about to take out his gun and kill Egg.

Qin Xiao kicked Xingjue directly to the ground.

"This is just a duplication he made, you destroy him now, where can you find his body?"

"You don't know my body either?"

Egg At the moment was a little surprised.

He thought Qin Xiao would know of his existence.

"I don't know, but someone knows your existence, such as the predators you hired, and now your duplication exists originally to allow you to make a decision yourself.

Since you are active in the universe, you should know what is happening in the entire universe right now.

That existence is more dangerous than you destroying thousands of planets.

Moreover, if our resistance fails, you will be the best food in his mouth...."

Qin Xiao sneered at Yi Ge.

I don't know your position, but does anyone in this universe know.

The only unexpected thing is that you will find the earth.

After all, this time Star-Lord did not have such a deed as holding the power gem.

That is to say, the star-lord of At the moment is still an unknown little character.

Didn't even show much fame among the Predators.

In other words, the only bit of fame is in the Predator King.

Under such circumstances, Yi Ge actually came to find him.

Is this the inertial development of the universe?

Yi Ge fell into deep thought when he heard Qin Xiao's words.

In fact, he had thought about this problem, so he planned to investigate the devoured areas.

It turned out to be here earlier because of catching Ultron.

What was even more unexpected was that the other party revealed his background in one mouthful.

"So, what do you want to do?"

Egg At the moment finally relented.

"Take back all your seeds, this universe was originally multiverse."

Qin Xiao put forward his conditions directly.

"What if I say no?"

"Then you will see one army after another coming to your planet until you are wiped out."

"Do you really want to do this?"

"Hehe, you are ready to wipe out the lives on thousands of planets, you don't think these creatures will let you kill them, do you?

Believe it or not, after 4.2 days today, I will spread your affairs to the entire universe, and countless cosmic beings will attack you at that time.

Because no one will believe that a seed is placed in the planet, ready to destroy the existence of the planet at any time.

For such an existence, it is best to eliminate it directly, what do you think?"

Qin Xiao directly stated what might happen to the entire universe by then.

Compared with Planet Devourer, I don't know the depth of strength now.

A planet is undoubtedly easy to destroy.

Even if this planet is very powerful, so many cosmic empires naturally have weapons that can destroy the request.

It's nothing more than a big or small price to pay.

Even under such circumstances, no empire dares to negotiate peace with the other party.

Because they don't know if Yi Ge regards their planet as one of them to assimilate.

"Can you decide this matter?".

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