Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

324 Phoenix! Let's Break Out!

Colossus easily tore apart Igor's neurons.

That is his blue energy channel for transmitting signals.

Afterwards Dellax frantically sprayed his toxin into this pipe.

It's a pity that Yi Ge's brain, which can adapt to living in a vacuum environment, obviously cannot be dealt with by a little poison.

Things here are getting more and more troublesome.

And the Corvus Glaive At the moment of the gas fruit began to inject endless gas into these passages.

"Thunderbolt, when I inject all the gas into it, you remember to ignite it immediately. There is no way for conventional things to go in, and I don't believe in gas."

As if he didn't want the money, Gas crazily injected towards Yi Ge's explosive side.


Corvus Glaive let out a yell.

The Human Torch sprayed flames frantically towards that place with both hands.

04 "Boom~~"

The entire channel was instantly ignited.

Those raging flames spread towards Egg's brain.

But Yi Ge's brain has also experienced many cosmic disasters.

Not only did this bit of flame not hurt him, but it made him even more violent

The gas spurted violently towards the outside of the passage with flames.


Just when the flames were about to get out of control, Pyro stretched out his hands.

Although he can't create flames, he can control them!

At the moment, he doesn't need to create flames here, he just needs to control all the flames.

To some extent, Pyro's ability to control fire is more proficient than Human Torch.

The powerful thing about Thunderbolt is that his body can transform into flames at will.

Yi Ge's resistance and everyone's attack came to a stalemate.

"Get out of the way, let me try!"

At this moment, Wanda, who had been following the crowd but didn't talk too much, finally spoke.

Her hands glowed red with a magical sheen.

Origin Magic Power from Mind Gem begins to exert its power.

At the moment, the entire metal core began to peel off gradually piece by piece.

This kind of peeling speed is much faster than the original others.

But in the face of the thick metal core, it seems too far out of reach.

"I'll try."

At this time, Phoenix, which is the grand finale, finally begins.

As the only Mutant that is about to break through the fifth level, her power exceeds everyone's imagination.

Also, she has been suppressing her own powers while on Earth.

Because she is worried that she will bring danger to the earth if she fully uses her power.

But here, she lets go of her worries.

If Yi Ge cannot be eliminated, many planets in the universe will be destroyed.

This alone is enough for her to explode.

"Everyone retreats, leaving the front line to Jean Grey."

Qin Xiao's voice came through the communicator.

Hearing his words, everyone was startled.

It is only poor Charles and Magneto who can understand this.

"Is this to make Jean unleash her full strength?"

"Suddenly wondered how powerful this girl who was brought back to Mutant School was.

The two whispered silently in their hearts.

"Leave quickly, everyone obeys orders!"

Qin Xiao's voice sounded again.

Jin Bing, Colonel Rhodes and others who were still opening the way ahead also retreated one after another.

"Qin, Phoenix, explode your power completely!"

Qin Xiao's voice came out of the communicator again.

This time, everyone felt abnormal.

This Mutant Jean Grey, is it really powerful?



Jean Grey began to open her arms.

Behind her, a team of red wings suddenly appeared.

The red energy wings showed great power just as they stretched out.

Wherever the energy sweeps through, everything it touches becomes shattered.

Immediately afterwards, she looked at Yi Ge's core.

She floated and flew towards the inner core.

More powerful energy appeared on the surface of her body.

This energy even caused turmoil in the universe.

This constantly wandering Phoenix force seems to have found a pour point.

They rushed towards Yi Ge's position crazily.

Phoenix force, Japan is not complete!

Phoenix force, all over the multi-universe!

At the moment, the Phoenix force of this universe is coming directly towards Jean Grey.

She is the host of Phoenix!

Such berserk energy can destroy the entire universe, not to mention the core of Yi Ge star.

Under everyone's dumbfounded, the metal core of Yi Ge star turned into a piece of dust.

Inside, a huge brain is constantly wriggling.

seems to be thinking.

seems to be afraid.

Seems relieved. .

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