Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

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"This restriction can only be untied by me and Phoenix, and it is the two of us together.

Qin Xiao was very satisfied with the restriction.

This restriction was arranged jointly by him and Phoenix.

Phoenix forces may not be different, but these Phoenix forces have added their own unique spiritual power.

Under such circumstances, two people must be together if this restriction is to be opened.

"Then, what if the two of you die?"

Egg At the moment he was a little worried.

Phoenix force, there was no way he could break free.

If one or both of the other two died, would he be finished with "Nine Two Three"?

"If one of the two of us dies, the spiritual power of that person contained in it will gradually disappear.

After all these mental powers disappear, another person can open the restriction by himself. "

Qin Xiao explained directly.

"Well, what if you both disappear?"

Egg was still worried.

"If both of us disappear, the Phoenix force will find a new host, and you will be free at that time."

Hearing Qin Xiao's words, Yi Ge finally felt relieved.

As for how long it would take to say what Qin Xiao said, he didn't care at all.

Anyway, his lifespan is endless.

As long as there is Phoenix force, he will not do anything to resist.

"Okay, Qin, let's cut off the divine power connection between Egg and other seeds from here."

Qin Xiao glanced at Qin Gelei.


After Qin finished speaking, he flashed the Phoenix force with both hands, and then, these Phoenix forces spread directly along the "neurons" outside Yigo's brain.

These Phoenix forces spread all over the entire Yi Ge star in an instant.

All of Egg's consciousness is now infiltrated by Phoenix force.

Not only that, these Phoenix forces are also constantly spreading towards the entire universe like a signal.

And those who received these signals were those seeds of Ego on other planets.

Those seeds were told to various planets and civilizations.

Some of them are powerful enough to eliminate seeds by themselves.

Some civilizations are not strong enough and need to ask others for help.

For example, the earth is like being rescued by others.

But at this moment, all the planets felt a kind of "big terror"

"What the hell is going on? Why is my heart beating so fast?"

"I feel it too, as if some disaster is about to befall our world."

"Some time ago, the government told us that something big happened in the universe. Could it be our turn this time?"

"You mean the one that says there's a monster eating the planet?"

"Besides that, what else is going to scare us all."

"No, something else happened a few days ago. It seems that a team found something in the extreme north. My friend said that something is also spreading in the universe."

"What exactly is this?"

"I don't know, the time is too short."


Everyone felt extremely frightened.

They didn't feel very clearly, but the people who were dealing with the seeds of Igor, At the moment, saw something that shocked them.

Those rhizomes that glowed with blue energy, At the moment there appeared red energy.

What surprised them even more was that under the stimulation of these energies, these rhizomes began to grow crazily!

That's right, growth, crazy growth...

These seeds, in the blink of an eye, occupy the place it occupies.

What's even more frightening is that these seeds all directly began to transform into other substances.

That's what Egg is going to do, turn all the planets into the same substance as him.


"Get out of here!"


Numerous calls for help were constantly shouted at the construction site.

At the moment, they completely believed the intelligence from the universe.

This will really become a terrifying place of destruction.

However, when they were most frightened, these things that were expanding crazily stopped expanding in the blink of an eye.

The red energy substance inside seemed to directly suppress Egg's blue energy.

After that, it all went straight to a standstill situation.

Those grown substances, the red energy inside is constantly flowing.

"Stopped? What the hell is going on here?"

"There are new substances in it, and what are these substances?"

"Red energy, is 0.0 the same as the horrible red matter observed in the universe in the past two days?"

"You speak of the surge of energy that created the current horror on our planet?"

"Well, don't we stop if this substance is destroyed?"

Everyone At the moment feels hopeless.

At the moment, they don't know yet, this is the reason why Qin Xiao and Phoenix want to cut off the seeds of Yi Ge and other planets.

Phoenix force is directly transmitted to the entire universe through which connection.

And those powers directly destroyed Yi Ge's power of the gods.

The current eruption is like Yi Ge returning to the light.


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