Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

343 Help! What Exactly Is This?

Hela, her decisions are too random too.

Just because she opposed her, she was arbitrarily arranged to go to the front line.

And because the other person was the first to agree, she adjusted the other person not to go to the front line.

Who can stand this style of doing things completely according to her mood?

However, having withstood the other party's two attacks, now no one dares to raise different opinions.

Again, that is the rhythm of really wanting to fight with each other forever.

This is really... There is really no room for reasoning with a madman.

Seeing that everyone was hesitant to speak, but still unable to speak, Hela showed a smug smile.

These guys, as long as they are united, it is impossible for them to succeed so easily.

Only two captains of "Nine Three Three" were killed, and one battleship frightened the other party.

Really, a little boring.

I also want to collect a little undead and expand my kingdom of death.

Now it seems that this plan has to be postponed again.

"Very good, it seems that now we have reached an understanding, then the next step is to share all the other information we have obtained here..."

Hela begins to tell what they have learned about the Planet Eater.

For example, Planet Devourer has many messengers.

These envoys are looking for him to devour the planet's minions.

And these minions are not weak in strength.

The few silver gliders who broke through their blockade are the best among them.

However, Hela is emphasizing a point.

They haven't found the body of the planet devourer yet.

It seems that because of their arrival, the Planet Devourer has never appeared here.

I don't know if it's because he no longer has any planets to devour.

"Intelligence, that's about it. Next, what we need to do is to find the other party's body. If we don't find the body of the planet devourer, we will always be passive.

So next, what you have to do is to explore the endless void ahead. Originally, the Thanos fleet and I were too small to expand the exploration, but with you coming, we can conduct an exploration. "

Hela began to describe her plans.

Among them, the arrangement of every fleet, and even the arrangement of every battleship appeared.

It can be seen from this that Hela's control over the various fleets has reached an astonishing level.

At the moment, cold sweat broke out on the foreheads of many commanders.

They're constantly thinking about that while they're here.

As a result, all their information was obtained by Hela.

This kind of terrifying intelligence collection is completely beyond their imagination.

They are thinking, when did the other party start doing such a thing?

These days, the spaceship of Zhencha.

The more they thought about it, the more terrifying they felt.

Afterwards, when everyone listened to those narrations, they felt more and more that Hela was unfathomable.

Every arrangement seems to take into account the characteristics of their fleet.

Even their personality traits are taken into consideration.

At this time, everyone was relieved.

It seems that Hela is not arranged casually.

Well, the result of their exploration this time may be better.

Immediately afterwards, under the arrangement of Helad, numerous fleets headed for that piece of nothingness.

Inside, it has been swept away by the planet devourers.

All the fleets are marching towards the inside constantly.

This journey was empty and lifeless.

Their fleets are constantly passing messages to each other.

In the end, all this information was passed on to Hela.

She arranged for the members drawn from many fleets to start analyzing the information.

From these bits of information, they want to know the information about the planet devourer.

As a result, it was not good.

What they get is always nothingness 0...

This time, everyone's mood became more and more heavy.

If this happened on their planet, in their civilization.

That means that they have been wiped out.

Entire civilizations have disappeared into the universe.

In this nihilistic universe, an ecology like them originally lived.

Although the species are different, but that is life!

If someone hadn't discovered each other, then they might disappear like this.

Now, everyone is in the mood to stop the Planet Devourer.

A heavy feeling that must destroy the other party.

This mood has never been so urgent.

A fleet of fleets constantly explores all of the void.

"Attention, attention, there is a special energy ahead.

At this moment, a fleet finally issued a warning.

"Special energy? Report orientation, report coordinates."

"Here is the time..."

At this moment, there was a loud voice in the entire fleet communicator.

The fleet that was about to report lost all news in an instant.

This kind of thing was the first time during their exploration.

"Attention all fleets, ALK586 fleet 3.3 has an abnormality, please prepare for investigation and rescue by nearby fleets."

"The defense level of the fleet has been raised by one level, please report the situation to the captains of each fleet.

"Report the information here to the Goddess of Death, and prepare to evacuate after discovering anomalies."

One command after another began to pass back.

Everyone began to pass information constantly, and then the fleet took precautions.

"No, what is this?"

At this moment, a terrifying sound came from the communicator again.


Someone exclaimed, followed by a violent explosion.

Not surprisingly, a fleet has been destroyed.

"Help! What the hell is this?".

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