Qin Xiao already knew about the things in the universe.

Phil Coulson and others have been in the fleet of Hela and Thanos.

Everything in the fleet cannot escape their eyes.

In fact, Hela and Thanos didn't even try to hide these things.

Because the Silver Glider might still need them to catch.

Compared with some civilizations in the universe, Hela obviously believes in these Fruit Abilities that exist here.

These may be the emissaries of the followers of the Eternal God.

"The silver glider has also entered our side, which is a danger."

Qin Xiao naturally knew the strength of the silver glider.

This is almost an indestructible existence, at least it is indestructible under the powerful skateboard given by the planet devourer.

There is really almost no one here who can deal with this kind of terrifying existence.

Definitely, except Phoenix force's Jean Grey.

Wanda's strength has not yet been developed, otherwise she would have the ability to stop the silver glider.

As for the others, Qin Xiao really didn't find anyone who could beat the other party in terms of hard power.

But if it's about invention and brainpower, there are still many people here who can compete with it.

However, there are too many uncertainties.

The safest way is to use powerful strength to kill the opponent in a crushing way.

This time the difficulty is slightly higher, not only to kill the other party, but also to keep the other party alive.

"Tony, Reed, you guys probably need to build something that will separate the silver glider from his skateboard.

If the silver glider is not separated from his skateboard, there are really not many people in this world who can deal with him. "

Everyone was shocked when they heard Qin Xiao's words.

They saw the terrifying size of the Planet Devourer.

It was a titan that was bigger than a planet, and this titan seemed to be able to grow constantly.

This is a huge god that surpasses the ancient gods.

It is said that he possesses the ability to destroy the universe, and no one has much doubt.

It is entirely possible that a single Egg God can cause such terrifying consequences, and it is entirely possible that a Planet Devourer can cause even more terrifying consequences.

The key now is that Qin Xiao said that the silver glider still possesses great power, so there are some problems originally.

But thinking about his identity as the Eternal God, Qin Xiao possessed such terrifying power.

Then the silver glider, as the envoy of the planet devourer, will also possess that terrifying power.

Because the strength of the silver glider is against a demon messenger like Qin Xiao.

Everyone knew how strong Qin Xiao was, and they finally had some comparisons with how strong the Silver Glider would be.

Even Qin Xiao didn't stop their thoughts.

Let them realize the power and terror of each other, and then they can improve their strength faster.

As for saying that they caused these misunderstandings, Qin Xiao didn't care much.

Using their own strength to target the silver glider will allow them to create more powerful weapons.

Such a weapon might be more effective against the Planet Devourer.

At least the current blood weapons are really not worth mentioning to the Planet Devourer.

"Do you know anything about the Silver Glider?"

Hearing Qin Xiao's words, Tony asked casually.

"I know that the opponent is very powerful. The important thing is that he has a skateboard, a skateboard that allows him to fly in the universe, and even allows him to surpass the high-speed movement.

As long as he has this skateboard, the opponent can absorb all the energy from the universe, that is to say, he can completely absorb the attack of our weapons on him.

If we have no way to separate the opponent from the skateboard, it will be even more difficult to eliminate the opponent. "

Qin Xiao said a few words casually, as if everyone had revealed so much confidence.

The silver glider can move faster than the speed of light and can absorb all kinds of energy. Only these two items are enough.

And there is another point, the other party can fly in the universe, this alone surpasses almost most of the people here.


There are too few people in their group who can survive in the universe.

Even if they have a powerful devil fruit, most people can only live in the universe for a while

It is even more impossible to fly at the speed of light in the universe.

The speed of Quicksilver's Shining Fruit can reach the speed of light, but his original strength is too weak, and it is almost impossible to fly in the void of the universe.

Others are more unsatisfied with this Ability. To fly in the void, originally requires strong strength.

absolutely now

Only two people with Phoenix force did it

However, Qin Gelei seems not sure whether she can kill the planet devourer herself.

Even she herself didn't know if she could handle the silver glider.

In her heart, there are still some worries.

There are always some gaps in the strength display.

After hearing Qin Xiao's words, everyone began to constantly try to make more things.

Something more powerful.

But at this critical moment, something happened to Kamar-Taj.

Kaecilius stole a page of Magic Nine!.

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