"Are they all terminally ill?"

Qin Xiao clearly saw the appearance of the people in each picture.

Thin body.

Paled face.

He looked a little anxious.

But there are also some people who have hope in their eyes.

"That's right, they are all, among these people are father and son, father and daughter, husband and wife, mother and son, mother and daughter...

They are all futures that one person is willing to sacrifice in exchange for another.

Although they are actually not sure about this future.

Hela At the moment is also full of a sense of accomplishment.

These people are all hers.

From the moment they signed the contract with him, their future was already doomed.

Their souls will all belong to Helm Hades.

However, they are considered lucky.

Because they have a chance at a slightly better life in Helm Hades.

The world of the undead is more cruel than humans. 190

But with Hela's assurances, they're really going to be a lot better.

"They are all here. You are robbing the souls of other hell lords. These souls were directly reserved by you."

Qin Xiao looked at these people.

They all seem to have Hela's unique stamp on them.

That is a mark specially prepared for the undead.

Lords of other regions have no chance to snatch these souls.

"It doesn't matter, you sent the Devourer of Planets to the magic dimension, they don't have time to care about this now.

Moreover, it's just a few souls, even if they know it, they will treat it as if they don't know it.

Because they actually (aeeb) often do such things. "

Hela explained.

"Since that's the case, let's go directly to retrieve the Soul Gem while we are all here. I think they are actually suffering here. Let them get rid of it as soon as possible."

Qin Xiao looked at the people inside, and he made a decision directly.

Hearing Qin Xiao's words, the crowd glanced at each other.

"Then go to Vomir Star."

Hela is very straightforward, after all, this is what she has always been prepared to do.

If you do it today, you can just strengthen your strength.

Qin Gelei and Ancient One looked at all this with a rather curious look.

Ancient One is okay, she has experienced many things.

But Qin Gree has experienced too little.

Even entering the universe, Qin Xiao took her with her.

She had seen very few planets.

She was very interested in hearing that she could go to another planet.

"I want to see it too."

It was Thanos who spoke.

And Thanos, he's been wondering where the Soul Gem is.

At the moment he wanted to see it too.

Hela turned directly and walked towards the Destroyer armor.

Putting on the armor, blue light shines on the Infinity Gauntlet.

That's the power of the Space gem.

Immediately afterwards, they disappeared directly in place.

Vomir Star.

There is a yellowish feeling here.

There are also shallow ponds on the ground.

As far as the eye can see.


Just then, several people appeared here.

Except for Hela and others, there is a couple who are already seriously ill.

At the end of their line of sight, a not-too-high mountain caught their attention.

Where the Soul Gem is located.

Several people walked over there.

When entering the stone steps, a figure appeared in front of everyone.

He was wearing a cloak, and the whole cloak was constantly fluttering.

And his whole body is also floating like a ghost.

His face was red day by day.

Red Skull.

"I didn't expect so many people to come this time."

Red Skull looked at everyone with a calm face.

And Qin Xiao looked at this person curiously.

This is a legendary figure. .

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