Beside the time machine, Qin Xiao stood here wearing a space-time battle suit.

There are several powerful people around him.

Hela, goddess of death, also carries five Infinite Gems.

Sorcerer Supreme Ancient One, also has Time Gem in her chest.

Phoenix Qin Gray, she didn't bring anything.

There is also the existence of Wanda who was turned into an experimental subject by Qin Xiao!

This time, they are going to the world of Apocalypse.

Putting on their battle suits, "060" and the others stood on top of the space-time machine.

A strong energy sound sounded.

In a blink of an eye, several people disappeared in place.

The five people who were teleported came to a place in the blink of an eye.

In the endless desert, At the moment is being crazily manipulated by people.

Those buildings turned into dust one after another.

Finally concentrated in one place.

A huge Pyramids slowly appeared in front of everyone.

The terrifying sandstorm made Qin Xiao very upset.

Ancient One waved his hand, and everyone was brought into the dimensional space.

In this space, everyone can see everything outside more clearly.

The moment a few people appeared, Apocalypse glanced in their direction with a strange expression.

"Just now, I felt a few existences with extremely powerful energy.

Is there such a scary person in this world?

Even, some energy intensity can't be achieved by myself.

What are these people here for?"

He felt it.

The more he felt it, the more surprised he was at the moment.

In this world, at this time, there is such a terrifying existence.

Unfortunately, that energy is fleeting.

"However, since you didn't show up, I don't care about you.

Now, what I need most is to get this body.

Standing beside him are the four knights of Apocalypse.

And on the ground, lying a person.


Young, hairy Charles.

"Now, I want to use you to announce to the world"

Apocalypse built the Pyramids, and he stretched out his hand to strengthen Charles' power.

Immediately afterwards, he began his tirade.

Charles just wanted to be a relay, relaying the words of Apocalypse.

In the dimensional space, Qin Gray had weird eyes.

"How do I know all this?"

In his memory, there is no such thing at all.

"Because, we say we travel through time, but in fact we also travel through space.

Here, it is not so much a time in the past as a time in a parallel world. "

Qin Xiao explained.

"parallel world?"

Cheng Gray was thoughtful.

"What is a parallel world?"

Wanda asked curiously.

Among this bunch of people, she just came to make up the numbers.

At the same time, she was also used for experiments.

Qin Xiao thought about a question.

If Apocalypse can't take it out, what about the power of being strengthened by Apocalypse?

Since Apocalypse can strengthen the strength of Mutant.

So in theory, Wanda can also be strengthened by him.

And, only Wanda's Origin Magic Power has the greatest potential.

So even if you want to strengthen, it must be strengthening Wanda.

If the strength of Wanda after strengthening is 2.9, it will greatly improve.

So this time it's not in vain.

But there is a little trouble, the current time period seems to be a bit too late.

Apocalypse is about to "Possessing other's body" Charles next.

It is estimated that there is no time for Apocalypse to strengthen Wanda.

Hearing Wanda's words, Ancient One patiently explained to her.

In the estimated explanation, Apocalypse took Charles into the Pyramids.

"It's about to start, everyone can also see the strength of Apocalypse.".

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