"Very well, Apocalypse, put this on and come with us.

Qin Xiao directly handed Apocalypse a time-traveling battle suit.

Apocalypse looked puzzled, but put it on obediently.

After starting the battle suit, everyone disappeared immediately.

The other side of the space-time device.

Everyone is waiting here.

Time is not long.

The equipment buzzed, and several figures appeared from the equipment.

Immediately afterwards, their direct presence appeared on the scene.

It's just that there are really more people who came back this time than those who went.

"Successful! Really crossed?"

"It's bringing people from the past into the future."

"It seems that our design has really succeeded."

"Hurry up, I want to try it too.

"Yes, I'm going to try too, I still have some things I want to do."

A bunch of people were extremely excited for 020 At the moment.

"Everyone, if you don't want yourselves to be affected in other worlds, it's best not to think about changing the future at will.

Otherwise, once the established future changes, you will be cheating yourself at that time.

The birth of a parallel universe will be a kind of future.

And, if you change too much in the future.

No, or you don't need to change the future.

As long as you interfere with too many timelines.

At that time, many unexpected things may happen.

For example, Tony in the parallel world, because he saw the possibility of time travel.

Afterwards he built his own space-time device to travel through time and space (aedi).

Or one accidentally died in another world.

Or even travel to our world.

Are you really ready?"

Ancient One stopped everyone from being excited.

As a Time Gem user, she naturally knows a lot of things.

The future is really hard to say.

After hearing Ancient One's words, everyone calmed down.

Just now I was really excited because I just built the out-of-control equipment.

Because of Ancient One they brought a person from another world.

When the people in front were experimenting, they didn't dare to bring a living person to appear.

So besides being excited, they really want to try to change more things.

But now hear the words of the Ancient One.

They have hesitation.

If it is really like what Ancient One said.

The next time there is an identical Tony in this world.

What should I do about this kind of thing?

Or, what if another green titan appears here?

Thinking of this, everyone was shocked.

Forget it, just be careful.

"This time we brought back Apocalypse, known as the first Mutant in history.

His Ability is the ability to strengthen a Mutant.

So in the next period of time, all Mutants need to try to strengthen their own strength.

We'll see if there are any surprises based on your situation. "

Qin Gray spoke directly to the crowd.

This time, it's their Mutant chance.

Opportunities to improve your strengths.

Everyone was shocked when they heard Qin Gray's words.

In the research team here, there are several mutants.

Like Charles.

He was startled when he heard Qin Gray's words.

Capable of strengthening Mutant's power.

He found this kind of thing unbelievable.

"How can this be?"

Charles was the first to not believe it.

Mutant's Ability is caused by their x-gene.

Capable of strengthening Mutant Ability.

What is the principle?

"So, the next step is to test, Wanda is the first to be strengthened, and we will test her Ability in the universe on her behalf.

If you can, the next step is the strengthening of your other Mutants.

However, because Mutant's Abilities vary.

And there are some Mutant Abilities that are not suitable for strengthening.

So what to do in the end, you need to judge. "

Qin Xiao looked calm. .

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