Qin Xiao's voice rang in Wanda's ear.

The purpose is to persuade Wanda herself.

Wanda's time as a special psychic was too short.

And because she was taken away by Qin Xiao, she and Pietro had very few chances to fight.

It is because of the conflict with Tony that she and Pietro have been together with Mutant all the time.

The most important thing is to follow Charles and his party.

So she was well protected.

"I'm still a little scared."

Wanda's business was a little trembling.

She was indeed a little scared.

"Are you afraid? Then if you see this picture, 04 doesn't know if you will still be afraid."

Qin Xiao looked at Wanda's appearance, and he immediately thought of another thing.

Immediately afterwards, his spiritual power penetrated directly into Wanda's mind.

The picture in the spiritual power is exactly the scene of Avengers 2.

In the picture, Pietro was killed by the bullets of the plane trying to save Hawkeye and a child.

Pietro, covered in bullet holes, fell to the ground alone.

The angry Wanda ended up killing countless robots directly.

That feeling of anger and helplessness lingered directly in Wanda's mind.


An enraged Wanda shone with a terrifying crimson light.

I am afraid.

However, my big brother is likely to die!

How can you be afraid?

Qin Xiao's mental power was scattered from time to time.

The pictures inside are also known to Cheng Gray, Ancient One and Hela.

"Tsk tsk, I didn't expect that your Gao Gao died in another universe.

You obviously have such a powerful force, but you don't know how to protect the other party at all.

Sure enough, the weak are the weak. "

Hela At the moment began to taunt without any hesitation.

She knew what Qin Xiao meant, it was obviously to stimulate Wanda.

Then she can play wherever she wants and doesn't care if Wanda has any ideas.

Just a direct stimulus.

"In the endless parallel universe, the picture Qin showed you is actually happening.

You've also seen us travel across parallel worlds.

So you also know that what Qin said is not a lie.

At that time, I didn't expect that the Qin of this world saved your height.

Ancient One At the moment also constantly stimulates Wanda.

For her, the parallel world is like watching a movie.

So she really believed that such a world existed.

Wanda's big brother really died in another world.

As for stimulating Wanda.

It's better to be stimulated now than to die in the future.

"Ah~~~ How dare you say that!"

Wanda's voice grew angrier.

These people are still constantly stimulating her!

More and more terrifying crimson energy emanates from Wanda's body.

Scary crimson energy rushed towards Hela.

Hela, who was in the Destroyer, clearly felt the strength of this force.

Her whole body was pushed out directly.

Even more terrifying forces are tearing the Destroyer apart.

All kinds of energies on the Destroyer Armor are constantly shining.

Resisting a berserk force.

As the energy in Wanda's body became stronger and stronger.

The scarier crimson energy collides with the red Phoenix force constantly.

Qin Xiao and Qin Gray of Phoenix force who fired 417 rounds felt some thrust.

"Qin, it seems that your stimulation is really effective.

She is completely angry now, such power is indeed beyond the average person.

Cheng Gray also somewhat admired Wanda's power.

The strength of the opponent is indeed amazing.

"Well, but she is still too timid, so she still needs to exercise a lot."

Qin Xiao naturally had his own ideas.

Wanda's strength does take some work.

No one to lead and exercise her strength.

Her powers could never be tapped.

Just like Qin Gray used to be.

But Cheng Gray is much more miserable than Wanda.

Her strength appeared extremely dangerous from the very beginning.

Caused a big problem for the entire Mutant. .

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