Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

424 Mystique's Amazing Ability

Like Shadowcat.

Like Mystique!

Shadowcat has a new Ability directly.

Communicate with consciousness and transport consciousness into a certain time period.

Her power is equivalent to directly controlling time.

As for Mystique, it's not certain right now.

But, even without Mystique.

The strengthening of Sabretooth, Wolverine, and the Death Girl have also changed significantly.

Those three people, all became younger!

So now, everyone is waiting for Mystique's power strengthening.

And Mystique At the moment also looked surprised.

She felt 04.

The power in her body is constantly changing.

Likewise, Apocalypse is waiting for Mystique to choose which direction to strengthen in the end.

"I seem to feel that in my Mutant Ability, in addition to the change in appearance, it seems that I can also borrow the power of the changed person. I don't know, is my feeling right?"

Mystique At the moment is somewhat uncertain.

Because she feels that the second Ability she is about to evolve, or the Ability developed under her current power is really amazing!

She was originally able to imitate all appearances of a person, even including other people's pupil fingerprints.

But that's all, she can't have any abilities of the person being imitated.

That is to say, he is just a model.

But now she felt something different.

On the basis of the original shape, she now has a part of the power to imitate other people's Ability

Just think about how terrifying such an ability is.

Just like him, if shapeshifting becomes Magneto's appearance, she can even have the magnetic field control ability of the king of ten thousand.

If she shapeshifts to become Wolverine, she can have Wolverine's Self-healing and the opponent's Adamantium skeleton.

If she turns into Charles, she will be able to possess Charles' terrifying spiritual ability.

This explanation can understand the horror of Mystique!

With her power, she is omnipotent!

Even scarier than Apocalypse.

Apocalypse has also felt this power.

He looked at Mystique in disbelief.

He never imagined that Mystique's power would become so amazing.

If she had this ability of Mystique, then he could be anyone and have any power!

It's just that Apocalypse quickly realizes that Mystique's powers are flawed.

After all, she just mutated into that form and possessed that little bit of power.

Compared with the person who possesses this ability, his strength is vastly different.

If Magneto can shake the power of the entire earth, then Mystique may only be able to control a little metal after the change.

If Charles can use his spiritual power to cover the whole world, then Mystique may also be able to use his spiritual power to invade two ordinary people873.

The disparity is staggering, but unfortunately it's not the most important thing.

The most important thing is that the x-gene of the magical woman has such a changeable power, which is the most amazing.

"If you want to choose, I think this evolutionary way of changing other people's Mutant Abilities is the most suitable for you. As for changing into other things, it's for you

Doesn't do much. "

Apocalypse gives Mystique his advice.

Turned into something else, it's useless.

It is more real to have the power of other people after the change.

Because that was originally strengthening her authenticity after 3 changes.

This Mystique, Jin Ping Tsuen strike.

"However, I can feel that such power is too weak."

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