"It seems that I also need strengthening."

The person has white hair.

Enchanting figure.

dark skin.

It was Storm who came.

As a boss in Mutant.

She hadn't been involved originally.

Because she has to maintain the current Mutant together with Laser Silver.

However, looking at other people are strengthening.

Although most people have not become younger.

But it also aroused Storm's inner desire.

If others can't, I don't know if I can.

Just try and you will find out.

Apocalypse recognized the Storm "620" girl the moment she saw her.

This woman was one of his Four Horsemen decades ago.

However, the other party betrayed!

Just like Magneto.

Now, the other party is actually alive.

This made Apocalypse a little depressed.

Cooperating with this world, the one with yourself is the most dangerous?

Are you all dead?

"Do you want strengthening too?"

Apocalypse has some exclamations.

"That's right."

"Then come on."

Apocalypse reaches out to you Storm.

Power flows through Storm's body.

With increasing strength.

The weather of the entire Yi Ge star has undergone drastic changes.

Most of the planet Yi Ge began to appear dark clouds.

Originally they looked up at the sky.

It is possible to clearly see a red color in the depths of the space of Yi Ge star. ,

That is the power that belongs to Phoenix force.

From Qin Gray and Qin Xiao.

The defense range set up by the two can be clearly seen even from the distant Yi Ge star.

However, now the overhead rain clouds.

There is no cosmic void at all.

Thunder and lightning,

The wind suddenly picked up.

Ice roared.

All imaginable weather directly appears in this range.

"It's not good, the weather has changed, hurry into the house."

"It's a big hailstone, leave quickly, or you will be injured."

"Fireman, can you dispel the dark clouds in the sky?"

"How strong is this strong wind?"

"No, it's so cold, I have to go into the house."

"Egg, take over control of the weather now."

A group of Mutant At the moment looked horrified.

It's amazing.

Originally Storm was also very powerful.

But it can't be as scary as it is now.

Even those temporary settlements built by Mutant at the moment were smashed by horrific hailstones.

A more terrifying power is presented here.

Storm struggled to control his emotions.

But no matter how she controls it, the weather in the sky will only get better to a limited extent.

Egg's duplication is here again.

He stretched out his hand helplessly.

The dark clouds in the entire sky began to disperse under his control.

The terrifying gust of wind gradually disappeared.

The huge hailstone also disappeared.

The cold air gradually becomes warmer

Yi Ge star has become a livable planet again.

However, the broken ground told everyone.

What happened just now is true.

Even, many of them were hurt...

Fortunately, everyone is Mutant.

At least much stronger than ordinary people.

Most of them have good resistance.

Also, the runaway time of Storm control is also very short.

So the loss is not serious.

But everyone still has some palpitations about Storm.

Was the opponent really that strong?

Sure enough, everyone who can become a Mutant mentor is simple.

Now, everyone even began to doubt.

If Cyclops is being strengthened, how powerful will his strength become.

And Apocalypse At the moment is also a sigh in my heart.

Sure enough, those who can survive from their own choices.

None are simple.

Magneto is out of control and the entire planet is shaken.

Storm is out of control, because some planets are also out of control.

Charles lost control, and everyone was terrified.

Unfortunately, I didn't get any of them.

I'm so sorry.

"Storm, go to that area, I'll make room for you to adapt to your Ability!" 0.1

Egg pointed directly to an area for Storm.

Storm flew up slowly.

Lightning crisscrossed behind him.

She flew to the area Egg had set out for her.

There, everything was fixed by Egg.

She doesn't have much of a problem with being out of control.

If you don't divide an area for her.

Egg had to keep an eye on her all the time.

too tired.

Apocalypse watched Storm fly away.

His gaze turned to the others.

"Anyone else want strengthening?"

Apocalypse opening. .

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