After Alex and Dale got the items, Zeus sent them back to the mortal world.

When Qin Xiao saw that they had come back, he hurriedly made some delicious treats for them, because this time the task seemed easy, but because of Zeus's thing, it made both of them a bit imbecile, so it's fair to say Just make up for it.

"At this time, take a good rest, because soon, you will have to bear the pressure you got in the God Realm."

Dale and Alex seemed a little unhappy when they heard Qin Xiao say this, but after all, when they promised Qin Xiao to work for him here, they didn't say much, just muffled Eat the meal in front of you.

"Actually, I understand what you are thinking at this time, but I promise you now that I will give you a long vacation when the mission is completed this time, and then I will give you a sum of money, and you can go wherever you want. "

Hearing such attractive conditions, Alex and Delton felt that the food in front of them was delicious. After eating, they made up their minds, stood firmly in front of Qin Xiao, and closed their eyes to prepare for the pain.

"Patience a little bit, it will pass soon~."

After Qin Xiao said this kind of cheap sentence, he stretched out his hand to their foreheads and began to retrieve the memory.

But before that, Qin Xiao also prepared some medicinal materials that would not make them uncomfortable, took them in his hands, ground them into ashes and put them on their heads so that they would not suffer so much.

Sure enough, as he expected, the expressions of Alex and Dale gradually relaxed, and then fell asleep, lying on the bed, and spent the night quietly.

Dale was the first to wake up, and saw Alex sleeping next to him, and felt some surprises.

"It seems that Mr. Qin's method yesterday was not as painful as Zeus's. Maybe he used some special methods. I can't remember that non-existent memory.

Looking at Alex who was sleeping, Dale had a bad idea at this moment, and put his fingers into his nostrils, waiting for him to get angry.

But the result was beyond his expectations. Alex immediately got up, grabbed his neck with his hands, and threw him to the ground.

"It seems that after you recovered from your illness, you started to need a beating, right?"

Dale saw that Alex was already angry, and he was not as skinny as before, so he begged him for mercy.

At the same time, Qin Xiao was also reading that memory, studying it with a serious face.

Qin Xiao seemed to have discovered something new, his eyes widened, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"`~ It seems that my guess is not wrong. Devil fruits can still evolve, so why this kind of information appears in the God Realm really puzzles me."

But Qin Xiao couldn't care too much, because his goal had been achieved at this time, and the next thing to do was to do experiments and study (to get Zhao) how the devil fruit upgrades and evolves.

"Alex, hurry up and call Dale over for breakfast. I want to discuss a more important matter with you later."

Hearing Qin Xiao talking to himself in such a serious tone, Alex hurried to call Dale over for breakfast.

"In the next time you can play for a long time, and I will give you a lot of money, but after the fun, you have to do the task again.".

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