Qin Xiao understands that after Li Yu has the golden body fruit, his strength is almost the same as the green titan Hulk, only the color is different, but he believes that Li Yu will definitely not abuse this ability and let him become a fitness trainer , It is just a suggestion for employment.

After leaving there, their itinerary was changed, and they were going to the United States.

At this time, Qin Xiao thought that this Thor guy "437" should still be doing nothing in the God Realm, so he wanted to find him to do something for him.

After hearing that Qin Xiao needed his help, Thor agreed to his request without saying a word, took his own Mjolnir, and arrived at their place in a short time.

It's just that Thor didn't fly to them by himself, it was Qin Xiao who used the copied power of the thunder and lightning to attract Mjolnir to his side, and brought Thor here as well

"What do we want to do when we go to the United States? It seems that you have really gone crazy these few days. You don't even go to work, because you are traveling."

Qin Xiao didn't want to say anything when he saw Thor's playful smile, he just asked him to be his tour guide, to see some things he wanted to see.

Thor takes them to the place where he used to live on earth.

"A long time ago, I was assassinated by that boy Loki, and I was demoted to the mortal world. I lost my power and became a mortal. Before I regained my power, I also experienced the happiness that humans have. That is What I couldn’t experience in the God Realm, all in all, after I went back, I cleaned up that little bastard Loki, but thanks to him, I experienced some new things.”

Listening to the messy things Thor said to himself, Qin Xiao didn't find the point, but after that he thought again, since gods can become mortals, people can also become gods under certain conditions, right? ?

Qin Xiao told Thor what he thought, and Thor just showed a very confused expression and said to him.

"Actually, it is very difficult to achieve this, because I was able to transform from a god into a human being and then return to the position of a god under certain conditions at the beginning, so it is impossible to say that this kind of thing is okay."

When Thor heard Qin Xiao say such things, he thought that he wanted to break through the restrictions and transform from a human position into a god, so he wanted to persuade him to give up such thoughts, but Qin Xiao didn't think about these things, he just felt something curious....

"My current Ability is something that even Shendu envies. After becoming a god, I feel uncomfortable, so I don't have that idea."

Thor didn't want to get entangled with him at this time, because Qin Xiao was playing with his hammer in his hand.

"Mr. Qin, come here and take a look. That is the Statue of Liberty you often mentioned before. It is really beautiful. I only saw it in books at the time. "Now I see it for real."

Dell saw the bustling streets in New York City, as well as the simple folk customs, and 5.4 was immersed in it for a while, unable to extricate himself.

"Don't think that what you see is real."

At this time, a familiar voice came from behind them, Thor and Qin Xiao turned around and saw an old acquaintance.

"Stephen! It's really been a long time."

Doctor Strange came over from the portal to greet them. .

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