Stark knew in his heart that if Qin Xiao was involved in this matter, he would definitely make a mess, and everyone would be embarrassed by then, and this kind of thing was not a child's play.

"I think you should stay on the sidelines honestly, don't say anything, I will give you a sum of money to go out for a good meal later, you know what I mean.

Qin Xiao accepted the tempting conditions, and went to find a higher-end restaurant by herself. They hadn't thought that these things were all plans of that company.

On the way Starkey was negotiating with Natasha Romanoff, Qin Xiao felt that something was wrong, because the company seemed to be a virtual one, but it was only part of it, and he didn't pay much attention to it, so he just took the money to play.

When Stark and the others entered the company, the group of people 220 they saw was just a bait, they were threatened to do these things, and when they were about to achieve their goals, a big fire broke out inside the company explode.

Qin Xiao rushed to the scene of the incident at full speed after hearing the noise. Stark activated the nano-device to protect Natasha Romanoff and himself a second before the explosion, but still suffered ten minor injuries.

"These guys are quite insidious. If we can come up with such a method, we've obviously been caught. That female agent is just a bait. Their purpose is to confront us, and it's been made clear."

Stark briefly analyzed the current situation, Qin Xiao was confused, but he also understood one thing, that is, this company has been eyeing them a long time ago

Seeing that Stark and Natasha Romanoff were not seriously injured, Qin Xiao quickly helped them up, and injected healing herbs into their bodies within a few seconds, so that they would not be unable to stand up.

"At this time, we have to retreat temporarily. In order to eliminate us, since they still use living people as bait, they set up bombs here and wait for us to take the bait. This method of killing fish and breaking the net is really too extreme."

Even if Qin Xiao said such words, it would be useless. At this time, he thought of one person, and that was Dell. At this time, he didn't have the energy to carry out the task, so he hoped to ask (aeff) Dell to help him complete this matter. And you can also exercise his Ability.

"He will definitely agree to my request, but I don't know if Alex agrees, because they are good partners after all, and they have cooperated for so long, and it is inevitable that they will develop feelings. If they leave for a while, I will also I don’t know if they will be reluctant.”

Stark told Qin Xiao not to think so much, they are not adults yet, but Qin Xiao thinks that they are no longer suitable to be children, now that they are here.

After going back, Qin Xiao told Alex and Dale about this matter, they were silent for a while, Qin Xiao could also guess what they were worrying about at this time

So I said it directly and decisively.

"You are no longer a child. You should do things that others dare not do. Don't be blinded by your own selfish desires."

Dale and Alex stared blankly at Qin Xiao, not understanding what he was talking about.

"You mean that you want Dell to help you perform a task alone, right, using his own Ability."

Alex said. .

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