Qin Xiao recently heard Thor mention one thing, that is, a long time ago, Hela was actually an evil god, because she was forced by Zeus to be helpless, so he sealed her for a while.

"Then what did Hela do to make Zeus angry, I think Hela is doing well now, but her temper is a little grumpy.

Thor watched Qin Xiao say these words to him innocently, and just let out a long sigh, thinking that he was thinking too simply, because Hela killed almost half of Shendu in Asgard a long time ago.

"After Hela ended the seal, she almost killed all the Shendu in Asgard, but with the efforts of Loki and I, she subdued her and used the power of the rough stone to resurrect her father again."

After hearing the story Thor told himself, Qin Xiao felt a chill in his heart.

"It turns out that Hela used to be so fierce."

Thor also told him that Hela would kill Zeus after he was resurrected. During that time, he also organized a team to attack Asgard, but all ended in failure.

"As for why Hela hates Zeus and Asgard so much, it's because Zeus betrayed Hela before that. He obviously brought down his country, but he sealed her away out of fear of Hela's power...

Hela seemed to have figured it out. When Zeus lifted the seal on her, Hela knelt down in front of Zeus on one knee.

"I finally understand why you did those things in the first place. Because my ambitions are too broad, you are afraid that I will do something extraordinary."

Hela really understood Zeus' good intentions, and accepted his kindness humbly.

"I don't need to be a leader after this, I just want Asgard to be the same as before."

Zeus lowered his head slowly when he heard this, feeling relieved.

Hearing this, Qin Xiao couldn't help shedding tears of excitement, and looked at Thor in amazement.

"This is really a good sister. If you know your mistakes, you can correct them and you can continue to do what you did before."

At this time, they had a happy conversation in Layuexing, but they welcomed an unexpected guest not far away.

They saw a golden light appearing in front of them, and it wasn't until the man showed his real appearance that he realized it was Captain Marvel.

"Miss Carroll, it's been a long time. Did you come here specially because you wanted to see me?"

Captain Marvel involuntarily raised his right hand and shot Qin Xiao.

"`~You almost destroyed this La Yuexing last time because Sarah was joking with you, and you actually took it seriously. If you still have that kind of thought now, I will fight against you, you know? "

Qin Xiao is very glad that she can still remember Sarah at this time.

"Sara is quite a sensible kid, but he's a little rebellious, and it wasn't he who was joking with me, it was me who was joking with him, that's right) almost destroyed this planet in a fit of anger."

Qin Xiao and Sara had some feuds in the past. This planet is Sara's hometown. He was the first person Qin Xiao saw when he came here. It's just that Qin Xiao was very naughty at that time, but Sara was very naughty. Simple, I overplayed it once and almost destroyed this place with the ability of the devil fruit.

"You still remember it now, which means you still have a conscience."

Carroll said. .

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