Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

050 Harvest! Wolverine's Feedback! Another Self-Healing! (6 More)

"What the hell, can't you get a result?"

Frank watched the frantic fight between the two before him.

He couldn't help but start complaining.

Such a bloody battle could easily arouse his desire to kill.

But both of them have powerful Self-healing Ability.

In such a combat situation, you can continue to fight.

All the while, he was bloody enough as the Punisher originally.

But now looking at the two in front of him, he felt that he was still too gentle.


This is bloody!

Different from Frank's complaints, Magneto At the moment has a dignified face.

Devil Fruit!

It's amazing!

With one fruit, two terrifying monsters can be created in a blink of an eye.

Although the original Sabretooth and Wolverine are also strong.

But compared with now, it is simply incomparable.

Most importantly, the opponent was able to form an effective countermeasure.

I could control Wolverine originally, but the opponent who ate the Devil Fruit was immune to my control.


Will there be a devil fruit that can restrain one's own ability one day?

A fruit ability that can eliminate magnetic fields?

This, no one knows!

The demons of the East are so terrifying.

Qin Xiao's level of danger in his mind skyrocketed.

As for saying Wolverine is out of his grasp.

This is a false proposition.

Now that he controls metal, he can still easily restrain the opponent.

Like Sabretooth, like the Toad people.

Without metal bones in their bodies, they would still obey him.

Wolverine and Sabretooth had a hot fight.

Magneto was suspicious on the side.

Qin Xiao was checking the status of the system on his own.

【Devil Fruit Trading System】


[Eatable fruits and objects]


【6. Fast Fruit: Wolverine- Logan】

[Ability has been absorbed]


【5. Karma Fruit, Sabretooth Self-healing】

【6. Quick Cut Fruit, Wolverine Self-healing】

【Fruit Ability Increase: 5%】

"Ding, a duplicate Ability [Self-healing], Ability strengthening was detected, and the fruit Ability increased by 5%."

An unexpected prompt appeared in Qin Xiao's system panel.

Sabretooth and Wolverine gave Qin Xiao a double Self-healing Ability.

And this Ability is directly strengthened by the system.

At the same time, this power increased the Fruit Ability by 5%.

It means that Qin Xiao's power is 5% greater than Jin Bing's for the same bomb fruit!

This increase seems to have no effect.

However, the more powerful the fruit ability is developed, the more terrifying this increase will be!

Now it is 5%, what about the increase to 100% in the future?

even more!

At that time, if Jin Bin was able to blow up a block at a time.

Qin Xiao's Bomb Fruit Ability can directly blow up double or even more places.

The most important thing about this reminder is that it solved Qin Xiao's long-standing doubts.

He didn't know how to increase the fruit's ability increase.

Found a way today.

Some of the same power fed back from the Fruit Ability is superimposed, able to activate it.

Qin Xiao guessed that this ability was improved in more than one way.

It's just that he hasn't found any other way to continue improving.

Another point is that the current Qin Xiao has doubled the Self-healing Ability.

This means that he has stronger physical resilience.

My own cell vitality, number of divisions, etc. have all been greatly improved.

Although lifespan is an invisible data.

But Qin Xiao believes that he may be able to live to the age of Ancient One.

There is no need to sign a treaty with Dormammu, he can directly live to the age of Ancient One.

This is still the case without using the fruit of age!

"Sure enough, only by sending out more fruits can we reap more benefits.

no pain no gain!

Maybe I'll go to Charles's side when I'm free.

There are so many Mutants out there.

Maybe it can match more devil fruits.

But it's a bit dangerous to go there, Charles's mental ability is a bit strong.

It would be troublesome if he read some of the messages in his mind.

And there's a Phoenix that could be out of control.

It is better not to contact them early.

However, Wolverine's reverse use of the quick cut fruit has provided me with some ways to use the karma fruit. "

Qin Xiao muttered to himself.

The battle between Wolverine and Sabretooth continues.

At the moment's Sabretooth is over four meters tall!

Wolverine would be stuck in the metal wall if she was slapped.

He needs to expend a lot of strength to dig himself out of the metal.

"You two can stop now!"

Qin Xiao looked at the two who still wanted to fight again, and opened his mouth.

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