Sara felt that she could now control Lightwave's ability, and Qin Xiao also expressed her affirmation.

"Now you can use light waves to carry out some ordinary attacks, but under my guidance, you can even turn yourself into light and transfer to where you want to go, but don't rush to do these more difficult things now , because if you want to complete it, you must complete all the previous practice.

With Qin Xiao's help, Sarah's cultivation has improved day by day, and now she can use 04 with light to attack at will.

"I have to say that Sara's IQ is quite high. Sometimes even Thor can't avoid your attack. It's really gratifying."

Thor was so tired that he fell to the ground by now.

"Stop making sarcastic remarks there, saying that you were training with Sara, but in the end you asked me to come forward. I'm so tired, it's not thanks to you."

But even if Thor complains like this, he will still practice seriously with Sarah, because he also knows that Sarah wants to be a warrior who can defend their group.

"In view of the special ability of the light wave fruit, you are not suitable for melee combat. You can use some ordinary light waves and light attacks. If you want to learn large-scale field control skills, you have to be a little more serious."

Qin Xiao felt that Sara still had room to grow, but she didn't really need her own guidance at this time.

"Sarah, you sit down at this time, let's have a good talk."

Sara and Qin Xiao sat cross-legged facing each other.

"Now stretch out your hand and feel the energy of light around you."

Sara and Qin Xiao held hands together, feeling the energy around them together.

After Qin Xiao opened his eyes, he found that there was a huge amount of light circle above Sarah's head, which was transformed by his thoughts.

"It seems that I don't need my help now, Sara, and you have to go the rest of the way by yourself."

Sara was very reluctant to part with Qin Xiao, took his hand, and didn't want him to leave just like that.

"Qin Xiao, you have helped me do so many things, and now I can take charge of my own affairs. I have the ability to protect my group, all of which are due to you, so please stay now, at least let me do something to repay your business."

Qin Xiao let go of Sarah's hand, put his right hand on his head, and stroked it gently.

"I believe that you can do what you want to do, and there are a lot of shit on the earth waiting for me to deal with. Always remember that light is a bond, a symbol of inheritance, and a symbol of hope. , one day you will understand what I mean."

After Qin Xiao finished speaking, he and Thor left Layuexing.

Although Sara was reluctant to give up 200, she still waved her hand to bid them farewell, always remembering what Qin Xiao said to him.

"Qin Xiao, don't worry, even if I fall, I will pass on this ability to other people, so that he can continue to protect this planet and those who want to protect it.

Although Qin Xiao didn't hear Sara's heartfelt feelings, he understood what he was thinking now, so he left this planet without any regrets.

The first thing Qin Xiao did when he arrived on Earth was to meet Stark, and by the way, report to him what he had been doing on leave for the past few days.

After hearing this, Stark not only did not blame him, but also gave him encouragement, feeling that Qin Xiao was doing the right thing. .

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