Qin Xiao dragged them all to the living room. He was very enthusiastic about Peter. He took off his coat and hung it aside, politely asked him to sit down, and went to fetch milk for them. He felt that young people should Would love a treat like this.

"I've never seen these types of food, it should be the cuisine of the Celestial Dynasty, Mr. Qin is really versatile.

While bragging about the delicious food, Peter stuffed a lot of "413" food into his mouth.

"It took me a lot of effort to do this."

After the turmoil, everyone was full and went to bed and fell asleep. Before going to bed, Peter asked Qin Xiao if this mission would be dangerous, but Qin Xiao just told him that he would ensure his safety.

While they were resting, Qin Xiao went to find Gerud, and dropped a Devil Fruit in front of him.

"Little thing, eat this thing, I have to take you to a big event tomorrow, what I gave you is the weapon fruit, this thing is very good."

Gerud and Qin Xiao saluted each other. Gerud smiled and ate the devil fruit, but Qin Xiao didn't notice any changes in his body.

"Could it be that there is a problem, shouldn't it be, Gerud, can you conjure something if you try it?"

Grodd understood what Qin Xiao meant, and casually used his body to conjure hundreds of rifles.

"That's right, now you are a conscious lethal weapon, comparable to a nuclear bomb, but seeing your kindness, I will keep this Ability for you."

On the second day, Qin Xiao asked Peter to follow him to the place where he had designated to carry out the mission, and asked him to bring Gerudo along with him.

"Mr. Qin, why do I always feel that this place is a bit gloomy and oppressive? Is this really the place designated by Mr. Stark? Or what do you want to do?"

Qin Xiao ignored him, and after walking for a while, he asked Peter to put Gerud down, then he said a few words to him and left.

"Yesterday I ate a devil fruit for Grod, I call it a weapon fruit, because with this ability, you can take out any weapon you want, no matter how many, when you have nothing. ..."

Peter still has some understanding. It's good that Grode got such an ability, because he definitely won't use it indiscriminately. At this time, Peter seemed to have noticed something. He rolled his eyes, raised his head, and found that Qin Xiao had disappeared. Before his own eyes, he realized that something was wrong.

"Mr. Qin really wants to trick me..."

As soon as Peter finished speaking, Gerud looked fiercely at him, and directly transformed into a few Gatling guns to shoot at Peter. Peter relied on Spider Telepathy to dodge around and hid behind a boulder.

"This is definitely Mr. Qin's conspiracy, but he definitely didn't want to kill me, because I am an important person now, and I definitely don't have any thoughts about myself, but in this situation, I must first avoid Gerud at 0.4, and then find a way to hit him. it."

After dodging for a few minutes, Grodd hits Peter with a cannon, blowing him up, and Peter sees an opportunity to fire the cobweb, wrapping Grodd in a powerful web, immobilizing him.

"Mr. Qin, please don't play with me. "Come out quickly."

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