Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

623 Gerud Used His Strength

Dr. Naga put his hands together, and immediately the sapling was wrapped into a ball by him. After a few seconds, Gerud opened his restraint, and fired dozens of rockets that hit his body. On the top of his head, it finally had some effect, and his skin began to peel off.

"Is this guy even fake skin?"

Thor said with a look of surprise, but Qin Xiao saw that there were "three or six zeros" of metal in his skin.

"This guy is crazy. He actually used himself as an experiment and transformed himself into a species that is neither human nor robot."

The skin on Dr. Naga's face fell off and turned into a robot with only metal, but flesh and blood could be vaguely seen.

"Oh my god, you were not like this back then. You actually contributed yourself to science. You are still the best."

Before Qin Xiao could finish his next sentence, a beam of light waves spewed out from Dr. Naga's mouth, and shot straight at Gerude. Gerude formed a protective shield in time to resist Dr. Naga's attack.

"It is because of the prejudice of you people that I have to do this. If Stark could have believed me, we could have accomplished an unprecedented feat, but he is as stupid as you, so I have only one person to do it." Execute those plans."

Qin Xiao only saw that the onslaughter, Gerud Gerud, who was not cursing, had also formed a passive state during this time, only able to parry and could not fight back.

"I'll just say why this guy was fired in the first place, but I didn't understand it at the time, and I realized it later."

Stark regretted that he didn't keep him. If he persuaded him well, he might be a promising talent now.

"By the way, I put an insurance on Gerud before, that is, he can open the protective cover when he encounters danger, which is why he has received so many attacks and still has no problems at all."

Qin Xiao and the others also knew this, because the nano-device was implanted in Grodd's branch. A layer of battle armor.

"At this time, both of them are evenly matched, and we must not intervene, unless the other party reneges first, then we can only hope for that little sapling...

But Qin Xiao said that Gerud will definitely win, and he is full of confidence, as if he had made some preparations before this.

"Looking at you like this makes me feel a little uncomfortable, because when you were fighting with others before, you always hid behind and acted as a military adviser, and you were timid. At this time, I am full of confidence. A little unaccustomed."

The reason why Natasha Romanoff said this is because Qin Xiao's combat effectiveness was not very good before he got the Ability, and he always held them back, and he always looked like a coward.

"Grude, come on! Get rid of that 4.5 insane doctor."

Alex actually came here and cheered up the little sapling. The little sapling sensed Alex's breath, and his mood improved, his state returned to full, and he started to counterattack.

Dr. Naja realized something was wrong.

"Could it be that this little guy has been hiding his strength before? But it can't be above me."

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