Qin Xiao felt his head swell after a hangover, and after sending the leader away, he returned home and saw that they were all safe and sound, while Alex sat on the sofa and read a book.

"That's all right for you, sometimes you will tell me when there are some unsolvable situations, don't hold back like this, sorry, I was really a little arrogant last night.

"You still know you're back now, why didn't you die there drunk? If the "240" does something like this again in the future, we won't care about you."

Dell closed the book and threw it towards Qin Xiao, hitting his face.

Qin Xiao put the books on the table, went to her bedroom and saw Lavadi sleeping late.

"Let her rest for a while. Yesterday, I spent a lot of time trying to find out the ability of the devil fruit. Now I have to report to the company, and I don't have much time."

I wonder why Alex told me this, because today is the weekend, Stark will never let his employees work overtime, unless he is on a whim.

I recalled it this time, he said that this time he asked me to meet him secretly because he was going to cause me trouble.

"So that's what happened. Thank you for your hard work. I have already deposited a sum of money into your account, so let's take it as compensation."

I haven't been this excited for a long time, because Carol is about to meet with us to discuss a more serious matter, that is, the crisis on Rakka needs my help. If this operation is successful, maybe I will You can get promoted and raise your salary.

"Peter and I are quite free. He is on vacation now. You have so many things here and you can manage them, but you can't solve this problem. This also reflects the importance of us, so it is absolutely necessary to be busy. It is to help."

To be honest, Carol doesn't like Stark very much, because they had a fight before, and there are still some differences between them at this time.

"Since we are going, let's find a suitable time to talk, so we can make a plan.

I suggested.

But Carol said.

"The best plan is no plan."

Before anyone else could speak, Carol left with a beam of light, leaving us standing there in a daze...

"He has always done things so vigorously and decisively. He is really a tough woman. If I want to find a girlfriend in the future, I will definitely not be like him."

Peter kept complaining next to us.

"No matter how you say this distance is too far, because the unit is light years, I still have to find Stephen."

Stark made a suggestion, Qin Xiao refuted his words at the time, and said that it was not necessary because he had marked Carol.

"When he gets to that place, we can go there directly, so Carlo is our tool man."

Stark praised Qin Xiao, saying he is very smart. 1.0

"The question now is, how can we be sure when she will arrive at that place?"

The question Peter asked went straight to Qin Xiao's soul. Qin Xiao had never heard from Carol before how much time it would take her to get from here to there.

"Okay, I admit I miscalculated, but Mister Stark should have figured it out."

All eyes were on Stark. .

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