Peter saw that the device was quite powerful, so he didn't dare to say any more nonsense, for fear that Banner would come over and touch him if he got excited, and then he would fly over.

"What are you still doing here, hurry up and help me, I'll beat them up in the front, and you'll be responsible for wrapping up the ones in the back for me to beat up."

Banner used this succinct way to make Peter understand his thoughts. Although he spoke in a complicated and rough manner, Peter could understand. After cleaning up a wave of zombie robots, they were all a little tired, and then continued to walk down.

"Since you are wearing the anti-Hulk armor now, you should be able to fly, so you don't need to be so troublesome."

Peter raised this opinion, and they decided to disperse temporarily.

Banner drove the anti-Hulk armor to the bottom position. Since he was in the dark, he turned on the light of the anti-Hulk armor.

"What kind of talent is this to create such an artistic basement?"

Banner saw that the basement was full of murals, and the style was similar to that of Da Vinci.

At this time, Peter used the steel battle suit Stark gave him, so that he could also use some high-tech means.

At this time, Peter took out the chip that he carried with him and put it on the core of his chest. After pressing it, the comfortable uniform battle suit became a well-crafted steel battle suit.

Peter scanned the building with the lens of the steel battle suit at this time.

"It's obviously not worth seeing above, but there seems to be quite a lot of space below, like an underground castle. Why does he quietly carry out these shady things below? I really don't understand how these talents are so old. I like doing experiments in the basement."

At this time, Peter also understood that those robots were transported from the elevator inside the wall, but they couldn't be seen with the naked eye, because the wall concealed the inside very well.

"It must have taken a lot of time to complete this great project, or is it that we have not been able to penetrate the alien technology yet?"

Relying on special lenses, Peter confirmed the locations where zombie robots could appear, and blocked those places with cobweb, so that those robots could be stopped.

"The next thing I have to do is to find the big brother Banner, he must be very excited to play those tricks at this time, don't even think about it, it should be like this.

0…ask for flowers……

At this time, Peter relied on cobweb to go to the bottom position, and he was very sad to see that Banner could not find the way behind.

"It seems that Mr. Stark is still not partial to you, I can see what to do next, you directly gather all the power in the direction of your right hand, and then hit the ground vertically

This will allow us to reach the subterranean kingdom of the Umo River. "


Banner listened to his words, and after destroying the ground, they fell, at this time Banner flew up with the propulsion of the anti-Hulk armor, holding Peter in his arms, "so that they won't fall like this hurt.

"My god, it's not an exaggeration to say that this is a paradise."

Peter expressed his sincere admiration at this time, he felt that the Wuhei River had created another world below.

"It's just that I dug a little deeper. This is connected to the real world, but I haven't found it yet."

While they were discussing, Wumohe could already sense their movements. .

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