"Captain, are you making fun of me, just want to go in blatantly, and they can't grab ready-made ones?"

The captain just asked him to do it, but he didn't tell Qin Xiao.

Qin Xiao was very puzzled, he actually questioned the captain a little bit.

"Is there something wrong with the captain's head?"

On the second day, the team leader came to Qin Xiao's bed early in the morning, slapped him awake, and brought him out of the bedroom. Qin Xiao felt unconscious, because he was slapped by the team leader, and was changed into weird clothes , was forcibly stuffed into the car.

"Is that you, the captain? Why did you put me up in 340 before dawn, and you were still wearing colorful clothes? I think your outfit is a bit strange."

After Qin Xiao finished speaking, Steve pulled his head over, put on a hood, and put on the same one himself.

"I always feel that you are a little rough today, captain, it seems that the situation is really serious.

They went to the gate of the HYDRA base, and the two got out of the car. The gatekeeper wanted to check their bodies for any dangerous items.

"You guys are not kind, don't you see what we are here for?"

Steve lifted his foot up for them to see, and kicked them both unconscious.

"It seems that it was old and spicy before, and the captain only thought of this method."

Stephen covered up the monitoring facilities before to prevent seeing what they were doing.

After the two entered the base, they had already changed into the clothes of those two guys, and walked swaggeringly in HYDRA's base.

The people watching the surveillance noticed something unusual and stared carefully at Qin Xiao and Steve.

"When did these two people come in? Why do they look like they have nothing to do?"

They were walking together, and they saw someone Steve knew, and the two of them walked over to say hello.

"Isn't this Callett? It's really admirable to still work at this age. When (aeff) will you retire? I'm worried for you."

An old man was talking to Steve, and Qin Xiao felt that they knew each other very well, but in fact, Steve only knew the guy's name, and he guessed everything else by himself.

"As expected of the captain, this insight into Ability is much better than mine."

After Qin Xiao sighed in his heart, he followed the captain into the deepest part of the enemy.

"A lot of things have been extracted from that old guy just now, now let's kill the guy who watched us."

Steve led Qin Xiao to the surveillance office. The reason why they didn't see Steve and Qian Xiao coming here was because they were behind the scenes and got rid of two people to make them look like them.

"Now I'll give you two choices, either listen to me obediently, or just shoot one bullet per person. Don't worry, the pistol is silenced."

The captain's insidious appearance frightened Qin Xiao, but he had to do this kind of task.

"You don't have to be surprised. You will understand anyway."

Those two people chose to assist our operation and provided us with corresponding information under the threat of the captain.

"Now we only need to control their monitoring equipment, and then we can get what we want by hacking into the system."

Steve turned his head and looked at the two guys. .

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