Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

674 Deal With The Mysterious Man

Qin Xiao really woke up at this time, not a lucid dream, he was so frightened that he was covered in cold sweat, he had never encountered such a bad situation.

He directly tore open the iron door, without paying attention to the little guy on the other side. Seeing that Thor and Wang Yi were both asleep, he felt that they must have fallen into the same situation as him just now, and couldn't scream no matter what.

They are indeed in a dream, because before this they have been hypnotic ability, if they are not aware of it in the dream, they will definitely not be able to wake up.

"I didn't expect you to wake up so soon. I thought it would take a long time. Then let's play the next game."

Qin Xiao ran towards the suspicious person, but found that there was 04 darkness in front of him, as if someone had turned off the light. When he realized it, he saw himself in another place.

"What on earth are you trying to do? Since you have the ability to control dreams, why do you want to hold us hostage? Just tell us what your purpose is.

At this time, the man didn't say a word, instead, he laughed non-stop. Qin Xiao kept listening to the sinister laughter, which obviously wanted to break his nerves.

Qin Xiao was suffering in the dream, and Thor and Wang Yi were in the same situation. Seeing that he was in the upper hand, the mysterious man walked towards their bodies, picked up the dagger beside him and stabbed Qin Xiao's throat.

But when the dagger was only one centimeter away from Qin Xiao's throat, Qin Xiao made a move and kicked him away.

"Why can you still move? Anyone who gets hit by my trick is a result. You are still in a dream, but this emergency response is too outrageous. Could it be that you like sleepwalking?"

This is entirely due to the stress response of Qin Xiao's body, and his own consciousness is still in the dream space of the mysterious man.

The mysterious man had never seen such a situation before, and he couldn't react for a while, and was chased and beaten by Qin Xiao's body.

He realized that if he continued like this, he would definitely be beaten to death, so he asked to talk to Qin Xiao in his dream.

"What's the matter with your body? Your main body consciousness is still in my space, but your muscle memory is too exaggerated. You are still chasing me now, and you have chased me for eight blocks."

Qin Xiao thought that this guy was here to threaten him, but now he seems to be begging himself, and the situation is not very optimistic.

"Then what exactly do you mean by these words? It's not just to show off how strong my stress response is. If that's the case, you can just die like this."

The mysterious man said that he was dead, and they would not be able to get out, so why not make a deal, release them 220 first, and then have a fair duel, since he would not use such a low-level ability.

"It's not bad. You're too noisy here. I don't like it. The scenery is not bad. Now that the deal has been made, let us all out quickly, and none of us will be allowed."

The mysterious man heard Qin Xiao's words, and quickly released his Hypnotic Ability. When Qin Xiao woke up, he found that his right hand was pinching the guy's neck.

"Don't hurry to let go..."

Qin Xiao let go of him, and hurried to check on Wang Yi and Thor's situation, and found that they were also awake, so he couldn't help but relax his vigilance. .

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