Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

684 The Threat Of The Blindfolded Man

Qin Xiao had been observing his weaknesses during the fight with the blindfolded man, and was in a state of blocking the whole time. As for not fighting back, he was afraid that he would kill him on the spot with too much force.

But Qin Xiao always underestimated his opponent too much, the blindfolded man gathered a purple electric ball in his hand, and attacked Qin Xiao's face, Qin Xiao naturally also blocked, but the blindfolded man disappeared in his In front of the eyes, raid from behind.

Qin Xiao vomited blood this time, and he hadn't suffered such a serious injury for a long time.

The two landed on the ground, and the blindfolded man moved his body. Qin Xiao felt that he was really careless. He had no idea what kind of ability this guy had. This amazing physique might be higher than his own.

"Next, I have to be more serious."

Qin Xiao assumed a fighting posture, the man with the blindfold could clearly feel the powerful aura, but he was not wild at all.

"I heard that you have the power of demons in your body, and you can also create devil fruits, right? But I don't bother to get that kind of thing, because what I'm after is not that kind of vulgar stuff."

Qin Xiao was very curious about how the blindfolded man obtained his information. He felt that this guy was both mysterious and powerful. Under the fear of the unknown, every nerve of Qin Xiao tensed up.

"I'll just show you a little bit what the real sense of fear is."

Qin Xiao saw the blindfolded man slowly take off his own blindfold, and then made a gesture with his right hand while opening his eyes, but it was not an international gesture, but a more fancy one, within a second , Qin Xiao felt that he was in a different space and couldn't move.

The blindfolded man came behind Qin Xiao again, grabbed his head with his hands and said threateningly.

"Today I just want to have fun, and I am a little interested in you. In this space, I have the final say, and I set this space to be infinite, which means it is close to reality, but it will not reach that level, but I told you that you probably didn’t understand.”

Qin Xiao seems to really feel what infinity is like. He just feels that he knows everything and can do everything, but he can't move at all. It's like releasing all his desires, and he can only stand in the original place. not moving.

Qin Xiao has never been so helpless like now, he deeply felt the fear brought by this man.

The blindfolded man saw that Qin Xiao couldn't hold on anymore, so he took him out of this space. Qin Xiao knelt down on the ground and vomited after going out.

"It's only been a while and I can't go on anymore. It seems that it's no big deal. 300, I'll play here with you today, and when I get interested, I'll see if you have made any progress."

When the blindfolded man turned to leave, Qin Xiao grabbed him.

"Does it mean you haven't been abused enough? Little thing."

It was Qin Xiao's eyes that also turned yellow, and he stared at the blindfolded man with a sinister smile.

"Then let you also taste the fear I felt just now, and let you see the real nightmare."

Qin Xiao used Wang Yi's exclusive skills to drag the blindfolded man into his succubus space. .

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