Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

711 Raton's Consciousness

The wind-sand man still seemed to be ignorant, and the only thing he could do was to teach him a lesson. Start pressed the switch, and directly released a large amount of electric current in the laboratory, making him electrified.

After this torture, the wind-sand man felt that he couldn't hold on any longer, and stood up tremblingly, expressing that he didn't want to be tortured any more, and he could only tell them what he knew.

"Actually, I didn't want to come here. A man instructed me to go there to do these things. As for his name, I don't know. I know his exact location and I can tell you."

Qin Xiao and the others were afraid that this guy would lie, so they had to confirm the authenticity of the information.

"Until we figure it out, you have to stay here, don't worry, this place is closed, you have absolutely no access to sand, and the nearest sand is hundreds of kilometers away from here."

Fengsha Man felt very wronged at this time, they still didn't intend to let him go even though he had already told the story.

"Stark, I think it's time to let him out now because he wasn't lying.

Stark believed in Qin Xiao's choice, so he let the sandstorm man out, but there was one condition, he must be by Qin Xiao's side at all times, even if he could use the Ability, Qin Xiao could still cure him.

"Mr. Qin, I am no longer a threat, so can you be gentle with me?"

Qin Xiao said it was definitely possible, but he had to take off his sunglasses so that he could make better choices.

After the wind-sand man took off his sunglasses, his whole person became different.

"This temperament is completely different from before. Is this the so-called one pair of eyes saves one face?"

In fact, it’s not what Alex said. This sandstorm man is good-looking, but his temper is a little grumpy. The reason why I cover my eyes is that I have been parading in the desert for a long time, and I am afraid that sand will get in my eyes. Keep the sand under control, because that will consume energy and stamina.

"You look okay, would you like to work with me all the time in the future?"

Fengsha Man felt that he had no choice now, so he could only agree to Qin Xiao's request, and Qin Xiao also happily accepted him, letting him be with Alex and Dale.

"In the future, let these two teenagers be with you and guide you to do various things. I believe you will not do things again."

Fengsha Man didn't know why Qin Xiao had such confidence in him, but he saw the spirit in Qin Xiao's eyes, so he put his hopes on him.

"Then I will give you more advice from now on. My name is Laton. From now on, I will change my mind and work hard for Mr. Qin."

Alex and Dale thought the big brother in front of them was very handsome.

"Teach me a lot. We will work together in the future. If there is anything you don't understand, you can tell us. Don't be strangers, Laton big brother."

Seeing that the two of them seemed to like him very much, Raton felt relieved. .

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