Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

713 Raton Chasing The Boss

Raton felt unprecedented power now, and he could actually summon the iron sand.

"Since the iron sand can also be attracted out now, it means that Raton can now control the Magnetic Field."

This is an obvious thing, and Raton is very happy about it. At first, he thought that this fruit was only to strengthen his range, but now it seems that it is not only the range, but also the strength of "720" .

"You don't need to doubt your own strength now, just go to your former boss. At this time, I have complete trust in you."

Raton also felt that his own changes were very large, and unexpectedly strong.

"Mr. Qin, thank you very much, I will come back to you when I settle the grievances with the boss, it won't take long, because she is nothing in front of me now

Qin Xiao was relieved when he heard Raton's confident speech, saying that he and Alex would wait for his return.

At this time, Raton can remotely control the iron sand and let himself float in the air.

"I really couldn't do it before. To this extent, I can actually let the sand float in the air and condense together, so that I can stand on it and fly. Now this feeling makes me very confident that I can compete with the boss. .”

Since Raton's boss is now in London, doing drug trafficking business, he has to travel a long way to get there. After a day and a night, Raton finally arrived at the boss' lair.

Raton naturally didn't dare to act rashly in crowded places. After he went to the boss's house, he knocked on the door politely, and his wife came to greet him. Raton knew that his wife was a kind-hearted woman, so he didn't What will happen to him, so I asked the boss's location, and the wife told him that the boss is doing business in Africa, so if you want to see him, you have to find him there.

"Ma'am, I have to apologize to you here, because I will do something that will make you sad after this, but I don't think I can do anything wrong, because the boss is doing some business that violates the law behind your back, You don't know this, so based on this kind of thing, I have to turn against the boss. I hope you can understand, madam...

Madam stared at Raton with meaningful eyes, sighed, and patted him on the shoulder.

"Actually, I knew about this a long time ago, but I have been in hesitation all the time. I don't know whether I should report him. He was a very good man before this, but after a long time, his temper changed. His vision It becomes very long-term, and the long-term does not know the heights of the sky and the earth, and I have persuaded him not to go on like this, it will only destroy himself in the end, but he said that he wants to pursue excitement, and I have nothing to do."

Raton promised his wife that he would free the boss in a very good way and let him end his sinful life.

"Since that's the case, I'll leave it to you. He no longer knows that he is wrong. 4.9 His concept has already formed that way, and it will change accordingly."

After his wife bid farewell to him, Raton moved forward at full speed and went to Africa. This time the journey was even further away. He didn't want to just sleep in the wind, so he summoned the sand to wrap himself up and form a small space inside, so that he could travel It is not a problem to eat and sleep in it. .

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