Natasha Romanoff was lost in thought as she stared at the dazzling equipment in front of her.

"T'Challa are you kidding me, this thing is something I can manipulate?"

T'Challa just pressed a button, and the homeless moved by themselves. Qin Xiao and the others felt the earth shaking because they had already flown into the air. T'Challa sat on the chair, not panicking at all.

Qin Xiao and Steve were overwhelmed with "September 10".

"Okay, it's settled down now."

Qin Xiao walked towards T'Challa and asked what happened just now, but T'Challa just told them.

"When the homeless just flew out, you weren't wearing your seat belts and you were standing there, so that's it."

Their destination is the universe, T'Challa bought a new satellite, now to check the situation, after breaking through the barrier of Wakanda, they entered the atmosphere, everything went smoothly.

"Boss, this time is a bit different from last time. Did you see an unregistered fighter plane flying over from a distance? We should be able to attack him."

Natasha Romanoff didn't know why at this time, obviously she didn't do anything, but the homeless had already flown into the air.

"You don't need to be surprised, because I activated the automatic mode just now, so now the wanderer is acting by himself.

T'Challa scanned the opposite fighter plane and found that it was also made of Vibranium, which was a little strange.

"Who can explain to me who drove the fighter plane beyond the barrier without permission."

People in Wakanda are free to enter and exit the barrier, but once the driver's license is issued, they must obtain permission.

"Now he has two offenses, which is not having permission and not even being registered."

Without any explanation, T'Challa ordered the homeless to attack the unregistered fighter plane, and this time the mission to see the satellite was cancelled.

Qin Xiao and the others felt that there must be a reason for T'Challa to be so angry, so I followed T'Challa out of the wanderer, saw the destroyed fighter plane in front of me and thought, there must be no one.

But T'Challa put her palm on it and pressed it for a few seconds, and the hatch flew open.

The man was lying on the driver's seat with a dazed expression on his face, as if he had done nothing wrong, so he was killed just like that...

"Since you have committed two regulations, you should know what kind of punishment you should accept.

The man covered his forehead, as if in repentance.

T'Challa looked devastated, as if grieving for the man.

"To tell you the truth, this is the first time this has happened to me..."

When T'Challa was talking to Qin Xiao and the others, the man stood up from the driver's seat and stunned T'Challa with a stun gun.

"He's right. No one will ever do anything wrong in Wakanda. If you really want to do this, the result will be miserable, so I did it on purpose to bring you here."

Qin Xiao saw that the man in 0.7 put a dagger on T'Challa's neck, and just smiled slightly, thinking that he didn't know the heights of heaven and earth.

"You probably forgot, this is Wakanda."

T'Challa opened his eyes at this moment, snapped his fingers, and put on the armor of Black Panther on his body.

"Is there anything else you want to say now? Alien tourist.".

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