Diss looked as if he was repenting, and Qin Xiao let down his vigilance against him, because now the outcome was decided.

"Actually, you had a chance, but the gap in strength lies here."

What Windsor said made sense, but Diss yelled at him.

"Do you know how hard it was for me to find you during the years you were away? You don't know.

Both Qin Xiao and Windsor froze in place. His "one six three" operation caught us off guard, and he must be trying to find a way to escape the current predicament.

"If you want to beg for mercy, you can just say it out, there is no need to use this method.

Windsor asked Qin Xiao to stop.

"Go on."

Diss wiped his tears and sat on the ground.

"Before I actually didn't expect that you would go there, and arranging an exploding egg there was just to attract the attention of those skeleton insects, so that it could cause riots, but I didn't expect you to appear there, so I had to take action. action."

It is very obvious that he said these words to lower our vigilance, so when I just wanted Windsor to be more cautious, she turned around and wanted to talk to me.

"I didn't expect to let my guard down so easily..."

When Windsor turned around, Diess took out a long knife and stabbed Windsor in the abdomen, then threw a smoke bomb on the ground and disappeared.

"If you have the guts, don't run away, I never thought you could be so shameless, come back to me, bastard!"

But it was useless for Qin Xiao to yell now, Windsor was bleeding non-stop, thinking that now he had to deal with her wound quickly.

"It's useless, the wound is so deep, I'm afraid there is no chance

Windsor showed despair, and Qin Xiao told her, "My medical skills are top-notch, no matter how fatal the wound is, I can recover."

But a few minutes later, Qin Xiao was slapped in the face, and his healing spell obviously had no effect on Windsor's fatal wound. When Windsor was dying, he had a quick wit and quickly created a devil fruit.

"There is only one way now."

Qin Xiao put this devil fruit that could heal fatal wounds into Windsor's mouth and made her swallow it forcefully.

"Now this is the only way to do this, and it will give you a big advantage, Windsor..."

Windsor opened her eyes, watching her wounds heal, and recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"What the hell is going on here? What the hell did you do?"

Qin Xiao told Windsor that he just made a devil fruit that could heal wounds and asked her to swallow it.

"Although the fruit is quite big, but in an emergency, you can only force it into it. The ability to restore the fruit is incredible. Now even if you are dismembered, you can still recover. Let's say it is an exaggeration. You are now a Regenerative Healing Factor, much more powerful than the healing fruit I gave Phoenix before."

Windsor feels that Qin Xiao is just joking, because these 22 kinds of abilities that are against the sky are not something you can have if you want to have them.

"Don't tease me, Diss has escaped now, and we can't chase after him because we are afraid of an ambush, so let's go back and make a plan.

Qin Xiao was very playful. Seeing Windsor not trusting him like this, he felt a little uncomfortable and wanted to make her suffer.

"Windsor, do you see what this is?".

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