Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

737 Search For The Person Who Framed Diss

"Actually, it's nothing. As long as you help me complete one thing after this, using your blasting ability, what it is, I will tell you later. Now you can tell me whether you agree or not. If you agree, I can unify the morale of the army now." .”

Diss can no longer refuse such an attractive condition, so he accepts it decisively.

"Okay, I promise, but try not to make me do anything shameful."

Qin Xiao's thoughts seemed to let ~ he guessed.

"Don't worry, it's just to perform a mission.

Diss discussed with the captain and agreed to help Diss.

"Since you all agreed, I can only go together."

Windsor looked very embarrassed, as if she was unwilling to do this, but she still felt that Diss was repenting.

"Let's pack up now, since everyone's opinions are unified, let T'Challa arrange a Vibranium luxury car and we can go out."

T'Challa directly asked the assistant to give them a car key.

"Hurry up and pick up the car. If it is damaged, you will have to pay for it, because the resources provided to you are public resources, and I don't own them."

Qin Xiao thought that he could mess around with T'Challa's things, but he was wrong, they couldn't afford to pay for Vibranium, so they absolutely couldn't break it.

"Okay, let's set off now, but Windsor must not let the car drive."

Diess volunteered to get on the driver's seat and said that he had a serious driver's license before, so they should not worry.

T'Challa asked the assistant to show them where the organization might appear, and told them to be careful on the road.

"It's really troublesome to confirm these places one by one. What kind of organization are you offending?"

Diss said to Qin Xiao with a wry smile.

"Even I don't know about this. I was deceived by mistake at the beginning, which led to this situation now."

Qin Xiao said that Diss deserved it, and it was quite foolish not to ask his elder sister for help when he came out to mess around.

"If I were going to find Windsor at that time, he would definitely look down on me, after all, I want to save face.

Windsor couldn't sit still at this time, and argued with Diss.

"What do you mean I look down on you? If you don't come to me, how do I know that you are in such a big trouble, and now it makes everyone unhappy."

0......seeking flowers......

They have now passed the border of Wakanda, and the atmosphere suddenly became quiet. Qin Xiao felt that this was not good, so he played a lighter song.

"Have you ever heard of this? At the beginning, Xingjue liked to use this to dance in front of me. I think he danced like a fool, laughing all the time..."


Qin Xiao talked to himself and danced while listening to the music. He was the only one in the car entertaining himself like a fool.

"Steve, don't tell anyone you know this guy when we're out, I always feel a little bit off."

Steve said he had the same idea.

"What are you talking about? Dance to the music, don't you think the atmosphere is very good now?"

Qin Xiao said.

If Dees wasn't driving, he must be the same as Steve and Windsor, covering his eyes and pretending not to see.

"Did you see it? We will reach the first goal soon."

Qin Xiao said.

After a few people got off the bus, they came to a small place in England.

"No matter how you look at it, it's just a small town in the countryside."

What did Steve say? .

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