Diss once again emphasized that he is not a teenager, but an old man who is older than them.

"Diss, if you really want to prove it, show it. After all, Mr. Stark is quite stubborn. 11

In desperation, Diss could only show his ID card for them to admire, but both Qin Xiao and Stark showed expressions of disbelief.

"Let me tell you, his sister is already an old woman who is almost forty years old, so he should not be much better.

Diss felt that he hadn't been recognized, so he showed a shy look. Qin Xiao and the others felt a little pitiful when they saw Diss like this, but they didn't feel that way when they glanced at his ID card again.

"Speaking of which, your work this time is not bad. There are some substances that are worthy of research. I thought it was a bit of a headache, but now there is no problem. You can give those guys who come here to make a living. Clear away.

Diess felt that it was unreasonable for Stark to do so, because although he was said to be the person who mainly performed the work, he also needed assistants.

"I think these researchers should be kept, not because they are so useless, but because they didn't find the right direction. With my guidance, they will definitely do better

And as long as we work harder, we can build a team. Don't look at me like this. In fact, my leadership ability is still good. "

Stark agreed to Diss' request, not only to keep these researchers, but also to find a few more people to join his team.

"There are not many people, just want to work hard and have a clear mind, so like this - it's okay."

For these professional issues, Stark no longer does research, but turns to Hong Kong Star to focus on other things.

"There are some strange substances from extraterrestrials below. These things all fell from a meteorite, and they exude some smells that are more powerful than nuclear radiation, so what do you think should be done?"

Qin Xiao thought for a while, and made a suggestion to Stark.

"It's definitely not possible to use ordinary containers, so we need to carefully build some containers, but it's not that easy. I think we should go to the God Realm for help, and we must find Thor."

0......seeking flowers......

Stark nodded to Qin Xiao in agreement, but now he is not sure where Thor is, and he doesn't know where he went wandering.

Qin Xiao wanted to use teleportation to bring Thor here directly, but at this moment he noticed that Thor's breath was getting closer and closer to him, so there was no need for this.

A few minutes later, Steve ran to this place with Thor, Qin Xiao turned around and saw Thor who was sweating profusely, and thought it was a little funny.

"I told you a long time ago that you should lose weight. Look at how fat you are now. Without divine power, you still think about self-discipline. Don't take self-discipline so simply. Without willpower, you can't do anything."

Qin Xiao squeezed Thor with these words, hoping that he could understand his hint.

"Captain, you came at the right time. You wanted to find Thor just now, but now he has thrown himself into the trap. Things will be much easier."

Thor was frightened by his inappropriate words, and felt that Qin Xiao must have plotted against him. .

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