At this time, Qin Xiao was too embarrassed to say that it was the gem that restricted his ability. If he used it forcibly, it would definitely cause damage to himself, and he didn't know the reason.

"These meteorites put a limit on me, so the closer I get to it the greater the risk of using the Ability.

Diss showed a smirk, and felt that he could use this to threaten Qin Xiao to do something in the future, but he couldn't do such a thing in a short time.

As for why Qin Xiao knew this, that is, when he used Ability to protect Diss just now, he found himself a little tired.

"Actually, you can use it if you want, but I will feel sleepy."

767 Qin Xiao felt sleepy right now.

When approaching the trapped people, Steve still asked Diss to help them with the blasting work, because he did it perfectly so that no one else would be hurt.

"Just now I thought I was close to them, but I didn't expect to have to run for a while."

Qin Xiao was a little unhappy.

They once again hid in the corner and shivered. When the wall was blasted, the result was beyond their expectations.

"Hurry up, the gem is revealed!"

None of them realized that gemstones would end up in (ahfg) such a place.

"HYDRA probably figured we'd be close to here."

This time Qin Xiao forcibly used the Ability to take them far away, otherwise they would be hurt if they approached the gem.


Qin Xiao yawned.

"If it really doesn't work, just take a break, but you don't know how long you'll have to wait for this rest.

Both Diess and Steve were caught between a rock and a hard place.

"It doesn't matter, you guys remind me when I'm not in good spirits, and if it doesn't work, Diss will slap me, I'm afraid the captain will slap me away.

When Diss just finished speaking, he slapped Qin Xiao's face with a slap.

"That's what you said..."

Diss showed a pitiful expression, and Qin Xiao felt that he was very cheap at this moment.

"Taking advantage of others' danger, you are."

Now is not the time to worry about this, Qin Xiao once again used space transfer to send them back to the vicinity of the gemstone. Due to the bad situation, Qin Xiao had to open the barrier to protect the three of them.

"Old Qin, you have to hold on now, our hope is on you, if you want to faint, we will wake you up immediately.

What Diss said seemed to be a reminder, but it was actually a threat [Qin Xiao also knew what he was thinking.

"The surrounding area of ​​the gem looks like mud, which is indeed a highly corrosive substance."

Steve said.

"As long as you look around the gemstone, you can definitely find their traces within two kilometers, but this place is too messy."

They only saw the corpses of a lot of creatures around here. There is no doubt that this must be the masterpiece of HYDRA, and they want to use these creatures to test how strong the corrosion of this gemstone is.

"Why don't you say these guys are perverted?"

Diss was so uncomfortable that he almost vomited.

"Whoever sees this scene will feel uncomfortable, you two have better psychological quality than me, so it doesn't matter.

said Diess.

After searching around, they found the hiding place of these people, but Diss said that they could not use bombs to get them out, because it would affect them. .

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