Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

753 Peter Battle Suit Damaged

Qin Xiao was very tired all of a sudden, because it consumed his physical strength and energy, and it was also affected by the gem, which caused him to fall asleep directly after transferring everyone and the base. I can't wake up for a few days.

"This time he has made great contributions, and he probably won't want any rewards, right? Diss.

Qin Xiao was pretending to be asleep, but in the end, "510" Steve woke up in shock, and said that he still had to ask for rewards.

"But no matter how you say it, let me take a break, after all, this time has caused me too much damage."

Qin Xiao was lying on the bed, standing in front of Steve and Diss.

"Okay, since you want to take a break, you won't be able to participate in the vacation plan arranged by the company, and you will bring Alex and the others with you this time."

Qin Xiao didn't expect that during the time he was in a coma, they were familiar with Diss and Alex, but they didn't have much experience, after all, they looked like a group of children.

"Even if you are going to Cape Tianya, it has nothing to do with me. I just want to sleep well at this moment, and no one should disturb me, even if Hulk is here."

Said that Cao Cao Cao Cao will be here, Banner opened the door and gave Qin Xiao a big surprise.

"My God, why are you here? Does it mean that your experiments don't matter?"

Qin Xiao was very puzzled and a little angry, after all, Banner's experiments had something to do with him.

"Don't forget that I invested, and I won't let it go without a return."

That's why Banner looked down on his little investment.

"I came to you just to take a look. I heard that you have accomplished a great feat. Those gems have already been targeted by me, so you should be careful.

Banner never speaks with a brain, and the tone of his mouth is threatening, but in fact he means to help them complete the research on these gems, after all, these are meteorites from aliens.

"Stark may have returned to the headquarters by this time, you can find him there, and he is currently repairing Peter's broken battle suit."

Stark generally doesn't like to wander around the headquarters, it still feels weird now...

"It's no wonder that Peter's battle suit was damaged, and he is also partly responsible, because there are still many things that are not perfect.

It was exactly as Qin Xiao said, when Peter went with Stark to rescue a rich man's cruise ship, because Stark didn't arrive in time, Peter repaired the cruise ship by himself, so the battle suit was also damaged a lot.

"I remember that there is a limit to the number of times Peter can use cobweb each time, but the battle suit is made of nanotechnology, so there shouldn't be any major problems."

Banner told Qin Xiao, "It's not that simple. Although Peter's battle suit was made by nanotechnology, the situation was complicated at the time, and the cruise ship was about to split in half, so before Stark arrived, he had to use cobweb to separate the two sides. They were connected together with brute force, so it was inevitable that the clothes would be torn."

Qin Xiao always felt that he had heard of this kind of thing somewhere before.

"That's right, Peter's arm strength and wrist strength are excellent, so this shows that his strength has surpassed the battle suit."

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