Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

780 Integrators Escape From Prison

"From the very beginning, I have been addicted to the integrant potion. I wanted to use myself as an experimental product, and then I succeeded inexplicably. I felt very happy. I did some things I wanted to do, but I didn't think it was interesting. What is your plan? The one who lured me here, I admit that I was tricked, but I am willing."

What he said was perfunctory, and Qin Xiao would not let him finish like this.

"Don't do it. If you do, I'll die. I was the one who developed the integrant from the beginning, and Steve was just helping me. Later, he stopped me, so I had to do it myself. But then I It is discovered that although this is a rapid mutation, it still has benefits, and the price for the user is that he must lose his own lifespan in exchange for this ability."

Qin Xiao heard the information he wanted, so he hurried out, closed the door, and waved goodbye to him at the window.

Steve felt very angry when he found out about this. He thought it was irresponsible for Qin Xiao to do this. The guy was clearly awake at the time. If Qin Xiao opened the door and went in

He's sure to slip out.

"It's okay, it didn't take me a few minutes for him to feel the breath of fear after I went in, and I finally came out with the door open, he didn't have that thought at all:"

Steve felt that his personality would lead to bad things sooner or later, but Qin Xiao didn't think so.

"As long as the task is successfully completed, it's fine. Isn't this guy still there? And it's confirmed that it's not a duplication."

After showing off his achievements, Qin Xiao revealed the official information, "That guy probably doesn't have much time left, he just said that the rapid mutation will affect his lifespan, so I tested it with an instrument , Sure enough, he has less than two years left."

In the past two years, I don't know what this integrator will do. He probably died in prison, but these are all his plans, even being imprisoned.

"Who would die alone like this? In the past two years, I want to completely disintegrate this headquarters and turn this area into a sea of ​​flames. This is my long-cherished wish."

The integrator said quietly, fearing that other people would hear this sentence, but after hearing this sentence, the staff who monitored him showed a look of fear.

"You did hear it just now, right? Then don't blame me for being rude."

The integrator had already come to the staff member's back and knocked him unconscious with a punch.

"Now I want to tamper with this humble system. To be honest, I really don't want to do it."

Qin Xiao and the others never imagined that he could easily enter and exit this well-closed prison.

"Why was he tricked by this integrator again? His brain is too good."

(Good Li Qian) What Qin Xiao said is wrong, and the integrators can do these things only with a little skill.

"He implanted a small chip in his skin, no matter how good the prison is, he can escape it.

Qin Xiao didn't expect this either, and it's too late to think about it now.

"That's right, this guy was a scientist before, so it's not surprising that he can create something like this."

Steve said. .

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