Steve's eyes were still closed when he shot the gun, thinking that this should be the most difficult moment for him to let go.

After opening his eyes, Steve saw a small hole in the forehead of the integrator.

"This should become a psychological shadow for me, but it doesn't matter anymore."

Steve dropped the pistol and returned to Qin Xiao and the others.

"I think this is also his best home. The reason why I didn't do it myself is because I knew he was awake at the time."

Qin Xiao said to Steve, hoping he could understand his thoughts.

"It's still necessary to dispose of the corpse properly, otherwise the residual dose of integrate will infect other people, and it will be difficult to clean up by then."

After Steve finished speaking, Pietro volunteered to continue the commission, saying that he would definitely dispose of the corpse properly.

Pietro used his super speed to quickly find a relatively large bag, put the body of the integrator in it, and then brought him to a deep mountain and old forest, and saw him off with a big fire.

"Pietro, have you ever heard a saying, set fire to the mountain, and you will be imprisoned."

Pietro smiled slightly at Qin Xiao who was next to him.

"Then you know why don't you hurry up and set up a barrier before the fire spreads, are you saying that you are waiting for me to go to jail?"

Pietro used this method to see off the integrator, which is considered a respect for him, because he also recognized himself at the last moment.

Steve didn't come over in person, maybe because he had let go.

"If the integrator doesn't change his mind, things won't develop like this. You should all remember this lesson."

Qin Xiao felt that no matter how the integrators grow, they should not be strong enough to deal with him.

"Growing up is a slow process for anyone, but the integrant goes against this theory, and it should be destroyed."

To put it bluntly, Qin Xiao said that grapes are sour because he can't eat grapes, and he also hopes to grow faster.

"Qin Xiao should have come to his senses at this time, then I recommend another assistant for you, that is Banner, he has recently obtained some results from the research on those gems, you can go to him for advice."

Qin Xiao still felt a little sick when he recalled those extremely destructive gemstones.

"Although I really don't want to accept it, I still want to go. If you don't pretend, you won't get money."

0...seeking flowers

Qin Xiao seemed to be depressed all the time, and even said such words, he was actually a little excited in his heart, because he hoped that these gems could drive Banner into a hurry. After Banner turned into a Hulk, let's see how he would react.

"I'm really looking forward to it..."

Qin Xiao's mean expression had exposed everything, and Steve warned him not to think about it.

"Banner's mood is very stable now, don't think that people can tease him if they don't make any progress."

Facing the boss's lesson, Qin Xiao could only bow his head and admit it.

Qin Xiao also knew that if he did this, he might cause trouble, but he also had a sense of proportion, and when things went in a bad direction, he would definitely control them.

Arriving at the designated place, Qin Xiao saw Banner wearing glasses, looking at the gems in the container.

"I think you should take it out and look at it, it will make you angry, and then become a Hulk and smash the whole place."

Banner was not at all interested in Qin Xiao's cold joke, and even wanted to slap him twice.

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