Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

784 Leon Becomes Stronger

Steve, standing outside, saw the change in his body, and Diss couldn't believe it.

Leon's body turned into a monster shape, directly broke through the iron gate of the prison, and ran towards Steve and the others.

Steve told Dees to run away, and all he could do was drag it here.

Diss also knew that he had to go to Qin Xiao for help, and Steve probably wouldn't last long.

After turning into a monster, Leon lost his mind and rushed to Steve and bit his shield, and Steve threw it downstairs.

"Now 07 will be in trouble, Diss, tell Qin Xiao to track the location of this monster, and kill him directly if necessary.

Steve spoke to Diss over the intercom.

Diss quickly found Chuck, and hurriedly told him what happened.

"It seems that I should go and see him before, otherwise he wouldn't have run out."

Diss told Qin Xiao not to complain, the situation is critical now, if the monsters hurt civilians, their credibility will also be reduced.

Qin Xiao marked Leon's body, so he instantly felt the monster's head and rode it under his feet.

The monster saw Qin Xiao again, and his emotions became more intense, and flames shot out from his whole body. Qin Xiao felt very hot, and jumped up from him.

"You are really enthusiastic. After eating that gemstone, you turned into such an ugly monster."

Qin Xiao humiliated him while training him.

After pestering for a while, Qin Xiao felt a little tired and wanted to take a rest, and Leon's consciousness seemed to have returned.

"You guy, if you hadn't caught me, would I have done such an extreme thing? But now I feel very happy, and the energy in my body is getting more and more.

Qin Xiao came back to his senses, and didn't pay much attention to hearing him say such inexplicable words, and wanted to give him the final blow directly.

Qin Xiao found that the guy's energy was gathering on the surface of his skin, and it was about to burst out.

"not good!"

Qin Xiao released a barrier to wrap this guy inside to reduce the power of the explosion.

But the power this guy condensed was too strong, and he broke through Qin Xiao's barrier in a short while. Qin Xiao didn't feel anything, but when he opened his eyes, he found that the surroundings had become Japanese ruins.

Now that monster disappeared before Qin Xiao's eyes, Qin Xiao didn't chase after it, but hurriedly told Steve and the others about the battle situation.

"Now you can lure him into the sea. Even if the two of you stay in the sea, there is no problem. So this is an opportunity for you to improve yourself and gain some practical combat experience."

Qin Xiao understood what Steve meant, and shifted to the monster's head again. This time, Qin Xiao didn't show mercy, and directly 347 took him to the Pacific Ocean.

"Now I have barriers protecting me, but you, either drown or overcome."

This monster was a little uncomfortable when it first came to the sea, but after about half a minute, he didn't move, Qin Xiao thought that he must have been drowned by the water.

Qin Xiao leaned over to check, and the core energy on this guy's chest burst out again.

This time the power was much stronger than last time, Qin Xiao's barrier was not broken, but Leon seemed to become stronger.

"Why are you hiding there? Come out?"

Qin Xiao couldn't stand such a provocation, so he put away the barrier. .

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