Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

800 To Go On Vacation In Malaysia

The place Qin Xiao mentioned is in a hidden mountain villa, where the scenery is very beautiful and the people are very hospitable.

When Qin Xiao went there, it didn't take long for him to learn the local language and make many friends.

This time he brought two friends, Alex and Dale, who hadn't traveled together for a long time.

If the two of them hadn't been stalking and insisted on following Qin Xiao, they probably wouldn't have succeeded and would have gone to Malaysia.

"How can a place as good as Malai Xiya not come more often, after all, we don't need to pay for it."

What they said was very embarrassing, Qin Xiao didn't care, since Stark would pay him the fee anyway, but he was really not in a good mood this time, so the two boys didn't make progress.

"Or the three of us can go hiking together. I heard that there are many beauties in a nearby scenic spot, Lao Qin."

In order to make Qin Xiao happy, the two of them even said such words.

"It seems that you really don't want to die until the Yellow River. Do you know why I am unhappy? That is, when I was in Wakanda, I experienced some unpleasant things. If you want to hear my story, you will pay some money to accompany me to eat Let's settle down." ".

Qin Xiao quietly transferred a sum of money to their account, which can be regarded as asking for trouble for himself.

"A request like this is completely fine, okay, let's go right away, order whatever you want to eat, and leave if you can't eat enough."

They also accepted it very generously. Although they said that they didn't have much money in the first place, it was nothing to improve Qin Xiao's mood.

When he came to a restaurant, Qin Xiao picked up a few cheap things at random, and then ate them leisurely.

"I met a black teenager there, and I had a little friendship with him before, so he didn't give me a good face when we met."

They heard them laughing in the first half, but they couldn't help turning their faces gloomy in the second part.

"That is to say, Swage was a professional killer before this, and he was a brainwashed one. After being adopted by that special organization, he became a killing machine. After a master master rescued him, he gave him He instilled the right mindset."

Alex briefly described what happened to Swage.

"That's right, you summed up what I just said."

Now the Ability that Swage got is also what he deserves, after all, if God closes the door for him, it will still open a window for him.

"This child's life experience is quite pitiful. If Mr. Qin doesn't understand him all the time, he will always misunderstand him.

Dell didn't eat anymore, and said helplessly.

After Qin Xiao went to Wakanda, T'Challa quietly told him about it.

"Don't talk about these heavy topics, our purpose is to relax and go for a walk outside after eating.

Alec (Wang Hao) used this method to comfort Qin Xiao, but he didn't need comfort at this time, after all, he had already let go of this matter.

"The mountain is very lively every day, I believe we will have an unforgettable trip."

Dale said.

When they were discussing, Qin Xiao felt a sense of danger.

"All of you, pay attention. I have a bad feeling. I noticed it a few minutes ago. It seems that someone is following us."

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