Qin Xiao hadn't done what he promised Banner, so he scolded him when he went back.

"It's fine if you're just fooling around, but you'll forget about such an important thing, and I'll have to blame you later..."

Qin Xiao seems to be used to being called around by others, obviously his Ability is the best, but he always has to swallow his anger, this time he doesn't intend to continue like this.

"How about "seven or eight zero", who can make good use of the performance of the gem first, and whoever can agree to a condition?"

Banner thought that Qin Xiao must be joking, because his research in this area was not one-tenth of his own, so he readily agreed.

Qin Xiao thought of a better plan, that is to go to Swage and say to make him an effective knife.

Going to Wakanda, Qin Xiao saw Swage and made this request, but he didn't expect Swage to refuse on the spot, and also said that Vibranium must be more practical

"It is also possible to add Vibranium as a raw material."

Qin Xiao joined this condition, and Swage immediately agreed.

"The next step is very simple, destroy your wooden knife, then release all the power of the elements, add it to Vibranium, and then forge it to forge a scabbard

Then the blade is made from the materials I prepared. "

It's easy for Qin Xiao to say, but it's very difficult for Swage to do it, because if you want to release all the power of the elements, the wooden knife will become an ordinary knife, and it will be re-infused into other weapons. Just be prepared.

"You don't have to worry about this. I will put away the power of the elements. I have more experience in this area than you, so just leave it to me."

After Swag pulled out the power of the elements, Qin Xiao quickly absorbed it into his body, and then kept it.

"The next thing is to get out what I brought, and you can stay away, because this thing is corrosive.

Qin Xiao got the gem out of the container and wrapped it with a barrier.

"It can be approached now, but no one can take it, there is no doubt about it, so we will now go to forge a scabbard.

Qin Xiao and Schwager came to the strongest blacksmith in Wakanda, hoping that he could use Vibranium to make a stronger scabbard.

"This is definitely no problem, it's just that you have so much money, if it weren't for the king's sponsorship, I wouldn't do it."

In order to show that he did get T'Challa's consent, Qin Xiao called T'Challa to confirm in front of him.

"It seems that I made a mistake just now, it turned out to be the king's order, and I promise to make a satisfactory scabbard for you in the shortest possible time.

After the blacksmith finished speaking, he started preparations, "Qin Xiao and the others went back to the original place to look at the gemstone.

"Actually, if we're not here to watch, no one would dare to take it, even if he took the 5.3 barrier, he wouldn't dare to release the gems.

Swage felt that Qin Xiao definitely didn't know how powerful Vibranium was, and Vibranium could actually completely envelop this gem.

"I forgot that there is still this stubble. Having said that, without weapons and with the power of the elements, you are equivalent to an ordinary person, except that your fighting ability is slightly stronger."

Swager says it does. .

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