"Then you have to stay away, or I'm afraid that free play will hurt you."

Qin Xiao said it didn't matter at all, so he moved him to an open place alone.

Qin Xiao and the others were watching Swage from afar.

Swage reapplied the power of the elements, pointed the tip of the knife at the sky, and immediately emitted colorful light, Swage stabbed forward, and a crack appeared.

"This destructive power is too strong. It seems that if you continue to practice in the future, it may cause a certain degree of damage. At that time, I may make compensation."

Swage asked Qin Xiao, "Hurry to the location of Banner for comparison, this weapon is simply too destructive now, and it can't be taken out until necessary.

Qin Xiao felt very satisfied, this is what he wanted, because the power of the gem plus the protection of Vibranium could neutralize the power of the elements and exert its purest power.

Banner was very bored, looking at the lethal weapon in front of him, he let out a long sigh.

"Why are you sighing? Aren't we here right now? Hurry up and pull out that cannon-like thing in front of you, and then let's enjoy this visual feast, which will definitely leave you stunned." "

Qin Xiao made such a statement as soon as he arrived, which made everyone a little panicked. Banner wanted to refute, but Qin Xiao directly transferred them to another venue.

"Since you are so anxious to see the result, then please satisfy you. I can start after I make some adjustments."

Banner moved the machine a little bit, and then instructed Qin Xiao, "You can leave the scene and go to other places to observe Swage's operation."

After Qin Xiao agreed, he left the machine and Swage in this place, and before leaving, he told Swage, "Try to hold back as much force as possible, anyway, it's something that Banner put in a lot of effort to make." , If it is destroyed like this, he will definitely kill me."

Swage and Qin Xiao showed unkind smiles, and Banner looked at their beatings, although he was very upset, but he couldn't express his bad mood during the game.

Banner remotely controls the machine to increase energy speed, and first sends out a wave of light cannons to shoot at Swag.

Swag only used the scabbard for defense, cutting all the attacks of the machine.

"It's not enough to do this alone. We have to fight back, but don't exaggerate too much."

Qin Xiao whispered to Swage, and Banner saw them whispering, so he snatched Qin Xiao's walkie-talkie.

"My thing is operated by myself, and I don't need to say anything to him, so you are obviously cheating."

Qin Xiao rolled his eyes at him.

Swage felt that he could make a shot, so he pulled out the blade slightly. At this moment, Banner was surprised, because the performance of the machine was already in disorder.

"What the hell did this kid do? He just (fortunately) pulled out the knife a little bit, and then retracted it. How could there be such interference?"

Everyone was dumbfounded at this moment, but they didn't know that Swage just mixed lightning into the machine, and then cut off the power supply.

"Then that thing shouldn't work now, right?"

Qin Xiao mocked from the side.

"Now we can be a little more serious."

The performance of the machine has been improved again, and it has stabilized. .

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